MashaKaran voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are 5 awesome reasons why you should consider investing in a car business: you will make a lot of money, it’s an investment in your future, there will always be a market for cars, you’ll have investments for posterity, and you’ll have collateral for loans if the need should ever arise. Read More
THOTCON is a small venue hacking conference based in Chicago IL, USA. This is a non-profit, non-commercial event looking to provide the best conference possible on a very limited budget.

It was started as an idea in late 2009, by a group of Chicago hackers who wanted to start a local low-cost co Read More
For aspiring student entrepreneurs, plugging into the startup scene might seem daunting.

The key is to know where to go and who to meet. There are plenty of ways for future professionals to get involved, gain experience and give back to the entrepreneurial community.

If you are interested in Read More
The fourth World Ocean Summit will bring a critical eye to the vital issue of how to finance a sustainable ocean economy. The aim is ambitious: to mobilize a new discussion on how capital and the private sector can drive scalable, sustainable investment in the ocean. Read More

Speed is every startup's superpower

Speed is every startup\'s superpower  - Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Startups
From 2788 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on November 9, 2016 9:14 am
One of the vexing problems most, if not all, large organizations face is “analysis paralysis” — the tendency to over-analyze and over-think a situation, resulting in no action being taken. It’s also one of the main reasons why startups (YOU!) consistently kick incumbents asses.

But if you’re not Read More
Cuba Oil & Gas Summit

The Cuba Oil & Gas Summit will create a unique platform to bring together international and local oil and gas companies, government officials, service providers, and key decision makers of the region. The conference will provide insightful information on the current situati Read More
Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Tom’s organization received their largest donation ever – and it all started with a story.

After attending the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, Tom started telling stories differently. Donors took notice. The income from his newsletter more than doubled. Bu Read More
It could be that you are not supporting your sales and marketing efforts with a sound content marketing strategy. According to the

According to the Content Marketing Institute, businesses should be treating their content as an asset – an asset which if used in the right way can generate a return Read More
Meaning is the annual gathering of people who believe business can and must be a force for positive change in our dynamic and volatile world.

This one-day event brings together an international guest list of speakers, panelists and workshop hosts to inspire you on your own journey to better busi Read More
The last couple of weeks have been incredibly busy for me. I’m currently wearing three hats at work alone – not counting all the other stuff I do (two non-profits, a couple of board seats, a lot of mentoring, writing this dispatch, running… and most importantly spending time with my family). When I Read More

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