MyCorporation voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Even as the number of job openings in the U.S. climbed to the highest level in seven years, and the unemployment level dropped close to a six-year low, companies are having a difficult time filling those job openings. Read More
More often than not most businessmen do realize that the crowdfunding procedure is not merely just a proposal where one, and hence their campaign is not a success. Organization and execution of crowdfunding campaign is no cake walk, and if you want to execute it successfully, you have to give it yo Read More
Over the years, we’ve published lots of great articles on growing sales. From the archives, here are the ten most popular Tweak Your Biz articles on sales, with suggestions, tips and techniques to help you grow your business. Read More
Have you noticed that service at restaurants is getting slower? The reason is business process ... unless it's cellphones. Tip that customer service agent! Read More
Small businesses should adopt a proactive stance towards maintaining their digital security protocols. With many cyber criminals targeting small businesses because of lax security, business owners can't afford to assume that they will not be targeted. Read More
Today's FeedBlitz: Rewind the Week is all about food, glorious food. A cell phone that travelled 7,000 miles, a soon to be calorie measurer, and a $71,000 potato salad. Enjoy! Read More
When you feel like giving up -- things aren't going well in your business, and you're burning out, what do you do to motivate yourself to keep going? Brad shares some great (TRUE) inspirational stories here. Read More
Just like performing to one person while you are on stage, developing personas to write the best business blogs for serves the same function. How you create them is to look at suggestions and then do it your way. Read More
Have you ever thought about the idea the internet connects us to our things? Yes, your smartphone is a thing, but so it your programmable thermostat. This new, old idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) might open your eyes. Read More
How does a person learn about a business in a methodical manner? Follow June as she goes from Google Search through the interview process. Not many people are this thorough, but there is much a business can learn from this case study. Read More

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