OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Blog content creation has become a pain for most bloggers. If you try very hard every day to find blog content ideas and make those ideas into wonderful blog posts, something’s wrong. Read More
According to sales expert Dave Brock, there are three reasons why bashing your competition is an incredibly bad idea. In fact, it might even be the worst thing a salesperson can do. Read More

Moving From Value Creation To Value Co-Creation

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 4305 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on December 5, 2012 3:19 pm
Value co-creation moves from teaching the customer to learning from each other. It causes us to leverage our individual and shared experiences together, creating something that we could not have produced separately or in the traditional ways I've spoken of earlier in the post. Read More
The goal of every professional SEO is to make their sites rank in Google and get more organic clicks from their targeted audience. However, you cannot just employ any tactic including spammy SEO techniques as these will cause you to get hit by Google algorithms such as the Penguin and the Panda upd Read More

50 Tips for Marketing Your Business Website Today

Avatar Posted by Algernon00ps under Online Marketing
From 4305 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on December 4, 2012 10:59 am
Marketing your small business Website is easier than you think. Nikki Pilkington offers this gigantic resource including a blog post and free e-book that will give you tons of actionable ideas you could probably start implementing today. Some of these ideas you may have already thought of, others p Read More

Better Business Results Through Better Breathing

Avatar Posted by smallbizwoman under Self-Development
From 4305 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on December 4, 2012 5:11 am
Yes, you read correctly. John Jantch of Duct Tape Marketing believes learning to breath as a way to relieve stress will make you better at running your business and healthier over all. But before you dismiss this notion as some kind of new age self improvement kick, read what John has to say about Read More

What Marketers Can Learn From Farmers (Video)

Avatar Posted by crystalx72 under Marketing
From 4305 days ago
Made Hot by: WorkSpace on December 4, 2012 5:36 am
In this interview, Becky McCray of Small Biz Survival talk about what small business marketers can learn from farmers. In particular, Becky talks about the principal of reaping what you sow, how cutting corners in marketing can lead to poor results. But she also talks about the importance of allowi Read More

Ultimate Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet [INFOGRAPHIC]

Avatar Posted by SMARTSMMBiz under Social Media
From 4306 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on December 6, 2012 12:48 pm
If you've ever wondered what the exact dimensions of your Facebook timeline pics needed to be, or YouTube, G+, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, guess no more! Here's a great cheat sheet infographic for you to download, keep and share! Read More
When it comes to establishing an online presence that’s strong and productive it’s not necessarily the specific service or product that’ll get the Read More
If you want to be a good public speaker, you don’t have to sound like a clone of other successful speakers to be successful. Read More

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