OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sometimes, I think we overcomplicate things. People don't dislike sales people, they dislike bad selling. It's not whether sales people are provocative, provide insight, are consultative, are problem solvers, or provide great solutions---though those are all elements of great selling. Great sales p Read More
As I look at many people and organizations that are failing to meet their goals, it's puzzling. They have the knowledge and skills to solve the problems they are encountering, but they aren't applying these skills or knowledge. Afterall, if they were, they wouldn't be stuck. Read More
Sales specialists are very important in sales organizations and critical to account and territory managers. As our products and solutions become more complex, as they broaden, it is impossible for the account or territory manager to have deep knowledge in all the solutions. Read More
Composing subject lines for your emails can be one of the most stressful thing. Spam filters can be activated by a wide range of keywords resulting in your email to miss recipients inboxes and head right into their junk folder. Read More
I've just finished listening to this powerful interview. I love hearing these guys talk about what they're up to. Read More
Small businesses owners have begun looking into utilizing the Pinterest platform to increase profitability and drive traffic back to their websites. Read More
Blogger Stanford Smith recounts the scene in the iconic Tom Hanks movie Forrest Gump where Hanks' character begins his marathon run across the country. Without every intending to start a movement, Gump begins to collect a band of followers who hang on his every word and action. He isn't obsessed wi Read More
Instagram is proving to be an incredible marketing tool for businesses, entrepreneurs and celebrities alike.  What started as an iPhone app, has since been launched as an Android app, and the popularity keeps growing. Read More
See how I grill Hostgator with my 6 criteria for good hosting in my review. Get the best deal using Hostgator coupon code - warriorsdeal25 to save 25%. Read More
A poorly thought out website design could be costing your sales.

Learn how the design and layout of your website can help influence shoppers and help them decide if they are going to purchase the products you are selling. Read More

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