SaadAhmadkhan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Content marketing is a latest marketing strategy to stay connected with their consumers. We use the content marketing for boosting the brand awareness. Read More
So you've got your online store up and running. Now. what about those customers? 86% of online shoppers will pay more for better customer service. 50% will only give a company 1 week to answer a question before dropping them forever. 89% of customers will switch to a competitor immediately after a Read More
Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. It lets users quickly and easily bookmark, organize, and share useful and beautiful visual ideas found on the web. Read More
Are your sales and marketing relationships on a path toward power or toxicity? This infographic gives you a look at the potential romance of Sales and Marketing, and the perils of those teams not aligning. Read More
Failing to plan is planning to fail. A marketing plan is an essential part of any business. 89% of small business owners consider marketing their first or second priority; yet, 74% do not have a marketing plan. Read More

How Overrated is the Long Tail Keyword?

How Overrated is the Long Tail Keyword? - Avatar Posted by irfanahmad1989 under Online Marketing
From 3784 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on February 17, 2014 7:08 am
We're not sure if the long tail keyword is overrated because its fullest potential is frequently not utilized by otherwise search engine optimized perfect websites. However, the first step to answering the question posed by our title would be to understand the long tail. Here we go. Read More
Content marketing - Every digital marketer talks about it, and more companies are doing it. But ever wondered, what exactly are they doing? And how effective are their strategies? Here's an infographic from the team of eloqua that looks at the new trends in content marketing landscape. Read More
Today's consumers are using smart devices to shop how, where, and when they want. If retailers are to keep up they must make the shopping experience easy, quick, and personal - whether shoppers spend in store or online. By not adopting new technologies, retailers could miss out on £860 million in s Read More
2 hour Average time smartphone users spend on their device, compared to just 97 minutes with their other halves. We now spend more time looking at our smartphones than with our partner.
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We hear a lot about choosing the right keywords to drive visitors to your site. But, search engines have become a lot more savvy. It’s no longer enough to simply pump your text full of the most-searched for words and phrases. Increasingly, search engines are looking to make sure your site and its c Read More

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