SaadAhmadkhan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you leveraging social media effectively to market your business? Do you think that it is all about having a good Klout score and lots of followers. Well, in real social media is the game of consistent networking with content engagement. And if you really want to get the most from social media m Read More
Mobile hotel bookings will continue to grow stronger throughout 2014, with a prediction that 50% of direct online bookings will be made via mobile devices by 2014. Read More
Shopping during the sales can drive you mad, but it’s easy to avoid losing your mind with a few simple tips. If you're a serious shopper looking for a bargain, then braving the traditional post-Christmas sales will be a must. Here's a look at previous years' mayhem as a taster for what's in store t Read More
In an era dominated by social media marketing and digital propaganda, luxury brands are realizing the importance of virtual marketing and acquiring the right customer engagement mix to maintain preferential brand exclusivity all the time. Have you done your homework yet? Read More
The advent of digital technology has opened up a gamut of purchasing possibilities for both local consumers and local businesses. 64% of consumers have made a first purchase from a brand because of a digital experience such as a website, microsite, mobile coupon, or email. No other medium has so im Read More
In this digital entrepreneurial endeavors must be coupled with a "mobile-friendly" mentality. 88% of consumers who search for a type of local business on a mobile device call or go to that business within 24 hours. 70% of smartphone users use their device when shopping in-store. 79% of smartphone u Read More
Have you ever wondered why some posts go viral on Facebook while others don’t? Well, you won’t have to guess any more.

It has nothing to do with luck, but instead it has everything to do with what you post, the time you’re posting, and even the words you use. Read More
Are you making the most if your content? Before you finalize your 2014 budget, delve into your current content arsenal and see what existing content can be repurposed for new marketing initiatives. Then, focus on a strategy to serve the most relevant content to the right visitors at the right time. Read More
Late last year, the folks at Forbes did a great job compiling a thought-provoking list of digital trends and predictions from marketing thought leaders. For the benefit of marketers out there who are too busy to read through the whole list, Referralcandy put together a summarized infographic versio Read More
A recent study finds that Brand/Store Loyalty is not a driving factor for purchases, contrary to retail industry perception. 80% of shoppers say that they were willing to switch brands or switch stores because of a promotion read on for more statistics. Read More

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