SmallBizDiamonds voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you create great content? Find out how Author Rank allows you to claim ownership of your content regardless of where you publish online, become an authority in your niche and have your avatar and name show up in the search results. Read More
Switch It Up web design is hosting a contest for small business owners. If your small business does not have a website or your current website is old and out-dated this contest is for you! Switch It Up wants to help your small business get noticed and stand out online which is why they are giving a Read More
You don’t need to hire a detective or a computer hacker to get the juicy details on your competitor. There are a lot of tried and tested legal ways to get... Read More
When it comes down to marketing to acquire new customers the key is to check out what your competition is doing and then do the complete opposite. Even if what they are doing is working for them it is vital that you still stray away from what they are doing, because the key is to stand out. One sur Read More
This blog post is dedicated to the BizSugar Community. If you haven’t heard, I was recently chosen as BizSugar’s Contributor of the Week. BizSugar is an amazing community for small business owners. This phenomenal community is the site you want to be apart of, especially if you’re starving for t Read More
In the world of B2B sales, buyers and prospective buyers are bombarded by sales calls. From the phone, email, walk-in solicitors, and yes even direct mail. Many seem to feel if they just ignore it they will go away. Some may be right. But they are in the minority... Read More
Credit card processors are quick to promise savings, but few actually explain how costs will be reduced, or by how much. If you know you’re overpaying for credit card processing, but can’t get a straight answer to determine why, this article is for you. The following five tips will... Read More
A lot of small business owners may realize how important it is to have a website showcasing their products, services, or expertise. But many of them fail miserably when it comes to positioning their online presence. There is a lot of overspending, a lot of under-optimization, and a lot of confusion Read More
There are A TON of online review sites today, and more and more consumers are using these sites to share their insights and feelings about your company. But online review sites like Angie’s List, TripAdvisor and Citysearch are not just beneficial for the consumers—they’re also extremely beneficial Read More
As a small business owner, there’s little doubt that you try to save money wherever possible. If you aren’t frugal, it’s quite easy to get in over your head, eating your profits before you can even write yourself a paycheck. If your goal is to keep your costs to a minimum as you get your business o Read More

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