SparkHire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When using one-way video interviews, you can ask the same kind of interview questions as in a phone interview. Read More
Mobile is hot in HR and recruiting. Check out five great mobile apps for busy HR professionals on the go. Read More
There are many conflicting opinions on whether or not an online education is up-to-par. As a hiring manager, should you accept candidates with online degrees? Read More
With the movers and shakers of the social media universe getting together to talk about the future of connecting and sharing, it seemed like a good time to look at how social media giants find the best employees to keep innovating their services. Read More
So as employers, what are some simple things we can do to relieve some of the employee stress that may be rampant in the office? Read More

5 Ways to Keep Employee Morale Up - Spark Hire

Avatar Posted by SparkHire under Human Resources
From 4365 days ago
Made Hot by: crunchynow on September 26, 2012 9:17 am
It’s impossible to make everyone happy at all times, but a general positive morale among your employees is very important. If your company is rampant with a negative, pessimistic morale then productivity levels soon decrease. Read More
The results of a recent survey by OfficeTeam show that approximately 6 out of 10 companies are using video interviews to improve the efficiency of their hiring processes. Comparing this figure to the results from a survey the year before, the implementation of video interviewing has increased. Read More
Let’s get real: work is stressful. All jobs come with their fair share of stressful situations, tough projects, and annoying coworkers. You might not want to admit it because you’re convinced you have the best company culture in the world, but your employees are stressed out. Read More
It’s true that as a hiring manager, it is easy to pick out the mistakes that the candidates you are interviewing make. You want to make sure you are hiring the right person and are on the look out for tell-tale signs that show you this candidate is not the right fit. Read More
Here at Spark Hire, we want to help companies utilize the power of online video to find the best candidates. We get a lot of questions from readers about best practices for using online video in the hiring process. These posts will address the questions about how to find your next superstar employe Read More

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