Unmana voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Creating marketing videos is near essential for most businesses. This blog post has a list of free tools we've used to create our videos -- and that you can use too. Read More
Here are are some practical ways you can give your marketing a quick boost this summer. Don’t feel compelled to tackle them all. Instead, pick one or two and make accomplishing them a top priority before the sunny days of summer fade into fall. Read More

7 Blogging Blunders Costing You Customers

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Online Marketing
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 4122 days ago
Made Hot by: OmniDesign on June 9, 2013 5:02 am
Tired of seeing a “0″ in your blog’s share buttons? Here are 7 blogging blunders that are costing you a loyal readership. Read More

How to Receive Free Business Consultancy from The Experts

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 4125 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on June 4, 2013 1:27 pm
The best thing in the world is (actually) available for free! This blog post might interest you who love to receive free quality business advice as much as I do. Read More

Top 10 Tips For Female Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Strategy
From http://www.youngupstarts.com 4126 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on June 4, 2013 1:00 pm
If you are considering taking up the reins and becoming your own boss, here are some tips for female entrepreneurs from Annie Xu. (These tips work for men too.) Read More
We have put together this presentation with the most important email marketing tips we could think of. If you like it, share with your friends and colleagues. Read More
Recently I started posting my content to groups on Linked In. Actually I don’t do it, my virtual assistant does. The result in just 2 months has been a 500% increase in my Linked In traffic and an 866% increase in conversions with LinkedIn overtaking Facebook and Twitter to become my biggest social Read More
If you have a blog and you aren’t seeing your success mirroring the statistics, then something’s clearly wrong. Have you asked yourself why your blog isn’t attracting more customers? Read More
Check out our interview of Rand Fishkin, the CEO and Co-founder of SEOmoz. He talked to us about community-building, products vs. services, and more! Read on. Read More

Interview with Anita Campbell, Founder and CEO of Small Business Trends

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Strategy
From http://bettermarketing.in 4318 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on November 21, 2012 1:59 pm
Anita Campbell is the Founder and CEO of Small Business Trends, a popular U.S.-based site for small business advice. She talks to us about content creation, content monetization, and entrepreneurship. Read More

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