VivianGuttman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When you are starting a business with an exciting new idea, it’s easy to dismiss potential competitors as not being in the same space, or too fat, dumb, and happy to be concerned that you even exist. I hear it all the time as an angel investor, but I also see that same naïve or cavalier attitude co Read More
If you're a team leader you must have these tips to help inspire your team and keep everyone motivated all day, every day.

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Processes can sometimes be free flowing entities which give space and creativity to work within, while other times they can be rigid and strict, procedural.
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The legal profession, like any other, is undergoing a major churn, making it imperative for lawyers to constantly endeavor for reinventing their practice. Their effort should be directed on determining the market needs, develop expertise in specific areas depending on their experience, peruse law ke Read More
In case you hadn’t noticed, the world of business is becoming more and more a “gig economy.” This simply means that the number of people with a long-term single-employer agreement is going down, and the number of short-term contractors and freelancers is going up. It’s good for professionals, who g Read More
Starting a new business is a long, hard process, and I can’t blame any founder for looking for shortcuts. I’ve taken a few myself, and I know how much work they can save, as well as how painful some can be in retrospect. When you are trying new things, there are plenty of new problems to go around, Read More
Been loaded up with hundreds or should I say thousands of productivity tips and hacks from the internet and still seems not fit for you? Check it out in this post on how to deal with it. Read More
In this post, Benjamin will show you all of the 11 processes in detail and give you copies so you can use them in your own teams.
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10 Ice Cream Franchises to Beat Baskin-Robbins

10 Ice Cream Franchises to Beat Baskin-Robbins - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Franchises
From 2534 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on July 31, 2017 6:44 am
One of the easiest ways to break into the ice cream business is to open up a franchise. An industry leader like Baskin-Robbins might seem like the obvious choice, but here are 10 alternative ice cream franchises you might consider, too. Read More
Green screens are frequently used in movies, the media and video production to create interesting illusions and promote creativity. By allowing a creative director to transport their cast to a location that would have been impossible to get to, green screens allow for more innovation on a smaller b Read More

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