Wisestepp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Being indispensable does not mean that you cannot be replaced, anybody can be, but being indispensable at work means you are so unique that certain work cannot be done without you and that you are a necessary requirement to meet workplace goals Read More
You can never expect to bag a job at a good company if you do not have a well written resume. At some point of time or the other, all of us have drafted a resume for ourselves. But how many of us have actually taken the time out of our busy schedules to go ahead for posting resume online for oursel Read More
Most candidates go to the interview fearing the unknown or at least knowing only a bit about what to expect.

How do you turn this around and make a strong case to convince the employer to hire you?

When you meet an employer for an interview, you will be competing with numerous other candidate Read More
Strategic thinking is a process of thinking, analyzing and accessing the information so as to create the future for themselves and the company.

Strategic thinking is one of the important tools for the company as well as for the employees because it helps them in growing with greater understandin Read More
Job seekers are always on the lookout for recruiters and recruiting agencies. But many people mistake the recruiters to be agents. Recruiters work for clients who want to fill vacancies in their firm or organization. Read More
Almost all business has become international in scope and influence. It has been a fact that almost all businesses such as law, manufacturers, firms and other global companies have link with clients internationally.U.S. based firms have scattered their firms overseas and have their partnered firm a Read More
Having too many passions is quite a common thing we have noticed these days. People are talented, have developed several skills over the years and find it too hard to pick one. Even though it is a good thing to have several passions, it can get too hard to pick one when it comes to finding the righ Read More
If you are searching for job, and some time has been passed with no results, it may be a fault of how you are coming across your resume.

With the help of a professional Resume writer, you can make your resume stand out from the rest of the pool.

Investing in resume writing will turn out to be Read More
A professional resume is consistent, clear, effective, concise and legible. As one talks about professional resume it is the one that is error free which include the typos and the grammatical mistakes. If you are trying to create the best professional looking resume you should start with being cons Read More
The power of a well-written resume can never be omitted in an individual’s career. According to the various statistical data on an average, most of the employers take around only a few seconds to go through a basic resume. Read More

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