YEVF voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The title says it all! We've found 24 cool Twitter pages that make great use of the display space Twitter offers its users. Also included are 15 resources for making your own cool Twitter background. Check it out! Read More
“Is College Necessary for Entrepreneurs?” We have compiled a list of 100 amazing “degree-less” entrepreneurs who have risen to the top. Some high-profile entrepreneurs you will recognize immediately, while others you may be discovering for the first time. Many of them didn’t complete elementary school, and still more are considered high school dropouts. Their backgrounds and industries run th Read More
Is it easy to make a connection with top bloggers? It’s certainly not that difficult on the face of it, as blogs and bloggers live and thrive on the comments that are appended beneath each post. However, we advocate that you should take a much more balanced approach to making your move and that by doing so, you should be able to cement a much more productive relationship in due course. Read More
Let’s face it. We live in a world where information can be found online for just about anything. What can’t be found online can be found in books, and what can’t be found in books can be found through internships, jobs, and mentors. This leaves a lot of young entrepreneurs wondering, “Is college even worth it?” Read More
The American economy needs to get going again and Melinda Emerson has some suggestions for President Obama regarding how small businesses can assist. Read More
Here's seven quick tips from Gary Vaynerchuk on building personal brand and motivation. If you want to take your business to the next level, listen up. Read More
It's an age-old question in the advertising world: how much of my hard-earned money should I put into marketing my business and building more sales? Ask any marketing expert and they'll tell you a different story. Read More
In our world of online marketing it seems as if we are always being bombarded by “gurus” who have the answer to all our problems. They say that they are on the cutting edge of every particular issue and come up with the latest neat trick to cure all our pains and provide us with a step-by-step guide to riches. This information is worth several hun Read More

Ten Excellent Freelance Resources

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Resources
From 5588 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 10, 2009 3:20 pm
Whether you are a writer, web developer, graphic designer or virtual assistant; there are more and more online opportunities every day for freelancers who want to work from home—either full time or to supplement their existing income. Here is a list of 10 excellent online resources that you can use to start and operate a successful freelance care Read More

Boost Your Blog Traffic Today

Avatar Posted by brendaligatti under Marketing
From 5653 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 4, 2009 9:39 am
There are many ways to boost your blog traffic, but I'll briefly discuss some of the most important here. These are the KEYS TO SUCCESS... Read More

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