YEVF voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As recent as ten years ago, terms like, “renewable,” “fair trade,” and “sustainability” were considered the vocabulary of the fringe. These words were uttered mostly by those some referred to as “tree huggers” and “granolas,” and “real” entrepreneurs were more concerned with making some cold hard cash than with making a difference. That’s not to say business was completely self-centered... Read More
We’ve all heard the bleak statistics about startup failures. In fact, according to a recent study by the SBA, a mere 44% of new business startups can expect to still be doing business just four years later. If you’re not strong of heart, these numbers alone could be enough to make you want to throw in the towel before you even begin. Don’t give up just yet though. Read More
Your site is your handshake. It’s the first impression many of your clients will have of your company. If your site looks sloppy, amateurish, or unprofessional, people assume your business is sloppy, amateurish, and unprofessional. For most entrepreneurs, this is not big news. We know the importance of our web presence. What many may not know is how to have a great site without spending a fortune Read More
If you’re a blogger looking to increase traffic, monetize your blog, or improve your content or design, there are quite a few blogger resource blogs that can help. As a start, we’ve put together a list of six essential blogs every blogger should read on a regular basis. Read More
If you’re like many entrepreneurs, you probably don’t watch a lot of TV. With all you have to do and keep track of, who has the time? So when you do watch, it’s great if you can actually learn something that will help you in your business while you’re being entertained. Read More
Fast Company Magazine has just released their annual list of The World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies. Included are a lot of players you’d expect to see, like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google (Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively). There are a few surprises on the list too, like Nike’s rise to 13th from 27th, PG&E’s debut at number 7 and Twitter’s premiering at the very bottom of the list. Also Read More
Your business is going strong, and now you’re ready to expand a little bit, which includes adding another PC or laptop. Just as when buying a car you need to consider insurance, mileage, and maintenance in the price, it’s important to look at additional software costs when choosing a new computer. Whether popular software programs are “included” on your new system or you purchase them separatel Read More
It might have happened yesterday or ten years ago, but at some point, you felt it. As an entrepreneur you have – perhaps many times – felt that spark of inspiration and the rush that goes with it. That feeling that tells you in your gut that you’re onto something, and nothing’s going to stop you. Read More

6 Steps to a Rock Solid Online Reputation

Avatar Posted by taraholling under Online Marketing
From 5272 days ago
Made Hot by: omgzam on February 23, 2010 12:53 am
Anyone contemplating doing business with you will go to Google or another major search engine and research you, your key executives and your company. What they find in the search results will determine whether you have a new client/customer or whether that potential client has been driven away by negative comments and an overall negative perception of you, your company and your executives. Read More
Networking can be an extremely effective, low-cost marketing strategy – when done correctly. Unfortunately, many people lose out simply because they don’t quite know the game. For networking success, always follow these simple and steadfast rules of play... Read More

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