Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

1938-1945...WWII. Fighting and death on a global scale.

Unprotected American bombers fly deep into German airspace toward their targets. They are decimated.

Enter the P-51 Mustang. A long-range escort fighter which helps win air-superiority. In BUSINESS, flying solo can often be a detriment. Read More

Tell Me What You Want

Tell Me What You Want - Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4910 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on January 28, 2011 3:03 am
Your business and your brand is malleable. It is formed by the thoughts and opinions of your buyers, readers, prospects… your job is to keep giving them what they want…are you doing that?
Hell am I doing that?? Read More
One of the downfalls of having your own business is that you don’t have the so-called virtual supply closet at your disposal. Software, a separate business line, internet access, web hosting… add it all up and it can get to be a little expensive.

Luckily, with the exponential growth of the web t Read More
Genetically speaking they have the same DNA.

So why does one build skyscrapers in Manhattan while the other serves burgers and fries in a small-town American diner? Read More

All Sales Reps Should Blog

All Sales Reps Should Blog  - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4910 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on January 24, 2011 8:50 pm
Dave Brock is smart guy. If you’re in sales, you’ll find consistent value and solid thinking in his blog. Most times I nod in agreement while reading his stuff. Most times it broadens and deepens my own understanding of an issue. His recent Should Sales People Be Blogging? post though… Gave me Read More
If you are trying to grow your presence online then you have to be putting out content, it is simply a no-brainer. However, not all content is created equal. You’ll see some people create content and have it spread all over the web and some will not. This could be for a number of different reasons, Read More
79.7% - that's crazy, right?! I mean, how could you automate 79.7% of your business? You would need employees and an entire team of virtual assistants just to make it work, right? Read More
Online marketers might want to reconsider their social media strategy in view of data suggesting StumbleUpon has surpassed Facebook for overall social traffic. Take a look at the article and judge the data for yourself. Then consider dusting off that StumbleUpon account and getting down to business Read More
Using a blog to promote your business takes time and effort, but the results can be rewarding. In order for a blog to be a successful marketing tool, it must focus on 8 core elements. Read More
The success of a website's online marketing efforts can make or break many businesses. It no longer makes sense to hire your SEO only after a website has been developed. That's like doing demographic research after you have already chosen your store's location and invested thousands of dollars in s Read More

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