Bernicetennant voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This is post from Kristi Hines - Ready to learn about social media SEO? Here are the steps you can take to optimize 7 popular social media profiles for search. Read More
Convincing your friends and family that you’re running a real business and not just playing shop is a serious challenge for all small business owners. My specific issue is this: when friends and family see you take a lifelong hobby and turn it into a viable business, it’s difficult for them to unde Read More
Creating an introduction or informational law firm video for your legal website design can have a big impact on your site's conversion rate. This blog posts gives a few reasons why all law firms should have a video made professionally. Read More
With just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, holiday season can be nerve wracking for many retail search marketers. Though holiday shopping is a favorite time of the year for consumers like you and me, the retail shops have a tough time coming out with an attractive Read More

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