Blogexpert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If things are going poorly, it's vital that you seek to correct what you may be doing wrong and focusing on what you may be doing correctly. Read More
Ad-free browsing is a breath of fresh air for AdBlock users but a potential threat to one of the business models that keeps the Internet free of charge. Read More
With a forecasted industry growth in 2014, the FAO market remains strong and competitive. Here are ten trends to watch out for in the FAO industry – we are already predicting some of them are going to be game changers. Read More
In its purest form, Mezzanine Debt is a business debt instrument that carries along with it certain rights to convert debt into equity (stock, common shares, partnership interests, LLC membership units, etc.). Mezzanine debt financing is not a pure debt or a pure equity instrument. It is something Read More
What Kills Productivity? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some seem to get way more done than others. Read More
In the latest #TYBCommunity round-up we have posts about Generation Z, making LinkedIn work for your business, MBA degrees helping entrepreneurs, secrets of prosperity, HTML code to make your website load faster, Kingsley Aitins TEDTalks on Diaspora matters and much more. Read More

7 Ways to End Email Overload for Good - DIY Marketers

7 Ways to End Email Overload for Good - DIY Marketers - Avatar Posted by ivanastaylor under Online Marketing
From 3571 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on September 29, 2014 11:17 am
I wouldn’t have believed it if it weren’t staring me in the face: “You have unsubscribed from 561 lists”. Yes. I was subscribed to 561 lists — and that was just from one of my email addresses. - See more at: Read More
Being in any kind of manager means that you will make mistakes. Here are 16 entries for your book of blunders. Read More

Never Apologize For Selling Or Being A Sales Professional!

Never Apologize For Selling Or Being A Sales Professional!  - Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 3572 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on September 27, 2014 12:00 pm
I have to admit I get just rip roaring pissed off with a lot of the rhetoric–some from very smart people about selling and sales people. “We should stop selling and start serving… ” “We need to stop selling and be helpful…” “We’re not trying to sell you something, we’re trying to solve your prob Read More
As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Naman Sharma who is making his mark on Indian youth through his skilled entrepreneurship. He is the founder of India's Coolest Youth Media Brand Uthtime. Infact he is Entrepreneur, Blogger, Film Buff, Writer, Finance Geek and Dreamer Read More

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