Blogexpert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The recent hacking of celebrity nude photos demonstrated that we are often more vulnerable to privacy breaches than we think. And as we... Read More
One of the top challenges for a new or seasoned solopreneur is to properly reach the right target audience to sell their products and services. If this is an overwhelming topic for you, then this post will be of great use to you and the lifespan of your business. Read More
Is your business ready to a launch a new product or service? Seth Godin gives some pointers about how to handle that launch. There are amateur launch meetings and professional launch meetings and Godin explains the features of both...and how to handle both. Read More

Standing in Line for Big Brother Fashion [podcast]

Standing in Line for Big Brother Fashion [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 3574 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on September 26, 2014 3:57 pm
Have you been standing in line for the iPhone 6 or 6+? Or will you wait and buy it via your regular business channels?

Listen to TrendPal's latest podcast on stealth fashion inspired by the book, 1984, Kickstarter, professional queuer, and the giant mutant spider dog... Read More
New markets, customer habits and developments you should consider for your business................. Read More
A new global study into the behavior around news consumption has revealed that we now live in a world consumed by news, with over half of us (52%) “information snacking” on a daily basis, and while this leads us to be more informed, is it all change that’s for the better? Read More

Soft Metrics That Have A Significant Effect On Your Bottom Line

Soft Metrics That Have A Significant Effect On Your Bottom Line - Avatar Posted by ronsela under Social Media
From 3574 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 25, 2014 1:28 am
Everyone wants to increase sales and grow their business – that’s practically a given in the marketing world. Increasing sales numbers and related key performance indicators (KPIs) is typically the main task for most marketers. Read More
Technical entrepreneurs love their technology, and often are driven to launch a startup on the assumption that everyone will buy any solution which highlights this technology. Instead, they need to validate a customer problem and real market need first. Don’t create solutions looking for a problem, Read More
Lack of sales at your online shop got you down? Why pout about it when you could be doing something about it instead? Learn how to boost your profit today! Read More
The first question to ask when planning a direct mail campaign is: “Who am I going to mail to?” You have to know your audience before you can determine your message or design your mailing. Read on to find out how to create a segmented customer list. Read More

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