Blogexpert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Drawing a Digital Marketing Strategy is not easy, and Social Media has added new complex elements to this challenge. Learn how Visualization can fix this. Read More
Do you feel down sometimes as a newbie in the blogging world? Do you think you're not as good as compared to popular bloggers? So, what do you do about it?

If you're frustrated about your growth as a blogger or want to know the ways to be a successful blogger, then this is the post for you. It's Read More
Is there any good reason to use a site creator or business website builder if you are a serious business person who considers their website to be an investment, a technology asset? Let me say two things right off the bat: (1) I hate website builders and (2) this is not a review. I set out on a ques Read More

17 Quick Wins to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Right Away

17 Quick Wins to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Right Away - Avatar Posted by aceconcierge under Social Media
From 3572 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on October 2, 2014 4:26 pm
Social media marketing is an investment in time and energy. Though there are rarely any shortcuts to better social media marketing, quick wins like these can help push things forward and build on the strategies you already have in place. Read More
See if your perception of the average entrepreneur -- even if you are one -- is miles away from the reality. Arianna Huffington Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Mark Cuban Slideshow Options Loop Through:  Don't loop Read More
As a designer you’ll realize that circles are the strongest shape in design. Circles seem to be making a comeback. The circle is a perfect shape, it is the same no matter how you look at it. Read More
As a designer you’ll realize that circles are the strongest shape in design. Circles seem to be making a comeback. The circle is a perfect shape, it is the same no matter how you look at it. Read More
What makes for an effective website? Some websites are slick with the latest graphics innovations, and others look they were created in 1997, but an effective website goes to WORK for your business. Read More

6 Tools You Could Be Using To Make Your Business Better

6 Tools You Could Be Using To Make Your Business Better - Avatar Posted by steeldawn under Startups
From 3573 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on September 30, 2014 9:41 am
We all know the standard tools that make a business run like it should. An accountant and bookkeeping system, inventory or project management software along with phones and computers to get things done. However, there are a few lesser known types of tools that, when implemented, can make a major im Read More
If things are going poorly, it's vital that you seek to correct what you may be doing wrong and focusing on what you may be doing correctly. Read More

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