Blogexpert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I hear it from entrepreneurs every day. “I have a great idea!” You probably hear it a lot if you watch “Shark Tank”. Everyone with a great idea really believes in it. They think it can change the world, and maybe it can. But there’s a huge difference between having a great idea and actually making Read More
I hear it from entrepreneurs every day. “I have a great idea!” You probably hear it a lot if you watch “Shark Tank”. Everyone with a great idea really believes in it. They think it can change the world, and maybe it can. But there’s a huge difference between having a great idea and actually making Read More
For business owners and investors alike, crisis and change create opportunities. Armed with new technologies and attitudes, Millennials are poised to start businesses that can transform today’s realities into the economy of tomorrow, but they're going to need some help... Read More
For business owners and investors alike, crisis and change create opportunities. Armed with new technologies and attitudes, Millennials are poised to start businesses that can transform today’s realities into the economy of tomorrow, but they're going to need some help... Read More

Think Big, Start Small: The Story of a Startup

Think Big, Start Small: The Story of a Startup  - Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Startups
From 3587 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on September 3, 2014 7:59 am
The concept is surprisingly simple: for a small subscription fee, ReefCam brings the ocean, and more specifically, some of the world’s most famous coral reefs, into your own home... Read More
I Love Marketing podcast:

- How Steve went from hating his thankless job to hardly working at all and making more money (Steve also shares his first “light bulb moment” in direct response marketing).
- Are you making this advertising mistake most business owners make? (Here’s what to do instead Read More

The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger [podcast]

The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Success Stories
From 3587 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 4, 2014 8:46 am
John Jantsch's Duct Tape Marketing podcast:

My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Jordan Harbinger – cofounder of an amazingly successful business called The Art of Charm – a business with the tagline – where ordinary guys become extraordinary men. Read More
Depression can affect employees, their co-workers and your bottom line. Find out the 9 things you can do to help create a mentally happy workforce Read More
It’s all about the content folks, it’s everywhere in marketing and this trend doesn’t look set to end anytime soon. If you are starting to glaze over at the phrase content marketing, just stop and think about it for a while… Read More
August 29, 2014 is the LAST day to nominate people and brands for the 2014 Small Business Influencer Awards. What are you waiting for? Read More

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