Blogexpert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Costs Of Doing Nothing

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 3678 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on September 11, 2014 12:34 pm
I suspect the biggest costs both we (individually and within our organizations) and our customers incur is not the spending on new programs, solutions, methods, or change; but rather the costs of doing nothing. Yet we very seldom analyze and quantify these issues. Read More
Could a pet friendly working environment be a good thing for your small business? Here are some pros and some cons to consider before you make your decision. Read More
There's a huge amount of rumors out there - more specifically about mobile web and the rise of responsive web design. Here are 8 of them busted. Read More
This summer I finally agreed to the chore of binge-watching Breaking Bad. It took 3 weeks, and here's what I immediately wrote down. Read More
When you’re just starting out as a new entrepreneur it’s pretty scary not knowing where your next dollar will come from and that uncertainty often drives new entrepreneurs to want to say yes to everyone and everything just to make sure that revenue is coming in the door. This is a strategy that wil Read More

Google Bids Goodbye to Authorship

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From 3679 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on September 7, 2014 11:20 am
Google pulled the plug on Google Authorship. It was hard to implement, not widely understood or adopted. Doesn’t that make sense?
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The Coolest cooler Kickstarter project was launched with a pledge target of $50,000. At the end, the project has raised more than $13 million. Read More

Humanization Is the New Optimization

Avatar Posted by krystian.wlr under Online Marketing
From 3679 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on September 9, 2014 2:03 am
Everyday people visit your site. Some arrive accidentally, some are researching for a product or service similar to yours, some saw your ad and were intrigued enough to click on it. Still others heard about your services from a friend.

Your job is to take care of all of them. Read More

How The Internet of Things is About to Change the World

Avatar Posted by stevenscheck under Technology
From 3679 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on September 6, 2014 4:37 pm
Tech companies have been talking about connected homes for years – The Internet of Things – where appliances and accessories will be connected to the Internet. Have you thought about how a world with connected devices surrounding us would be? Read More

The Definitive Guide To The Future Of Selling

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 3679 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on September 6, 2014 4:45 pm
The debate rages, there are 100′s of articles discussing the future of selling. To many, the future of selling is social; to another large segment it’s inside sales; to some it’s the channel. Many declare cold calling is dead, still a small number declare selling is dead (I suppose to be replaced Read More

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