Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do Photos Define Your Brand? - Jenn's Trends

Avatar Posted by jennherman31 under Social Media
From 3952 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on December 5, 2013 1:47 pm
The advent of social media has obviously changed the way we share our lives with friends and family. We share photos of almost every aspect of our lives to sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. But when it comes to our “brands” are we doing the same? Do the images you share define your brand Read More
The next generation of payments is in NFC or near field communications. This will allow you to pay using devices such as your mobile phone. Read More
Here's a prediction on where the Affordable Care Act is heading. Of course, it has negative predictions but I know that most Americans are still hoping for the best. Read More
Here is another instance where a customer is asked to leave the premises just because of Google Glass. It may look like a useful device but a lot of establishments don't really like it. Read More
Amazon is planning to release a drone that is designed to deliver packages by air. Although it may seem like a joke at the beginning, the company is surprisingly serious about it. Read More

How to Get More Eyeballs on Your Content Without An Established Audience

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3952 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on December 8, 2013 9:10 pm
In this post I’m going to show you how to get more eyeballs on your content without an established audience. The results of which will compound and get better over time. Read More

4 Ways to Avoid Burning Out at Work

Avatar Posted by stacieawalker under Self-Development
From 3952 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on December 4, 2013 2:06 pm
Being an adult can be overwhelming. Between managing your home and working at your job, you may feel like there's no end to the work you should be doing. Fortunately, though, there are things you can do to maximize your energy and get the most out of your workday. Read More
A great marketing guide for freelancers, startups, entrepreneurs. Practices that can applied to anyone in marketing really Read More
It’s not fun to be underemployed, but if you want to chance the circumstances, you need to keep working hard, and looking for networking opportunities that can lead to a new job. Read More
There will always be those intent on earning money by tricking the hard-working out of their cash. Right now, the IRS is warning about two new scams that might impact you. Read More

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