Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Scopists edit transcripts with a computer-assisted transcript (CAT) program. It is different from transcription in that 90 percent or more of the text is already recorded by the stenographic language.
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Learn What Distribution Methods May Be Best For Your Publication or Message.

There are a number of ways you can distribute your magazine or message and the question is which best suits your requirements.

Here are some ideas on how you can distribute your books, magazines or catalogs in o Read More
Every team leader faces the same problem - it sounds something like this:

"How do I get these people to perform?!"

Whether you're on the sports field or the office, the challenge is identical. Fortunately, so is the solution. Read More
I’m sure you have heard about the Law Of Attraction, but do you know how it works?.
The caveat about this law is that you attract to your life what you give your energy to and what you focus on. Read More
If your day has already gotten away from you and it's only 9 a.m., try using these triage tips to help you assess, prioritize and accomplish your goals.
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Amidst a slew of product upgrades yesterday, Apple announced the tenth major release of its operating system – codenamed OS X Mavericks. Named after a notoriously dangerous surfing beach, Mavericks is unique in that it is the first major operating system that is completely free.What’s telling about Read More
While bad credit can be a real burden for small business owners, it does not have to be the kiss of death that many make it out to be. This is a short, yet useful guide on small business strategies for promoting growth despite economic issues. Read More
Now that Gmail tabs have become a normal part of online life, we wanted to check in with some marketers to hear their experiences. This is what we found. Read More
Sharknado. It spawned 5,032 tweets per minute at its peak (about 84 tweets each second)…for a movie about a hurricane that spawns tornadoes filled with sharks that bring down people, [...] Read More
If we approached the communication between the Japanese and Americans in our organizations with the same open spirit and common sense, we could increase our communication productivity and avoid misunderstandings. Read More

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