Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Keeping The Pitch Trimmed

Avatar Posted by OpenCRM under Sales
From 4094 days ago
Would you rather hit a golf ball from deep in the rough or on the smooth fairway? This article looks at how CRM can help you create smooth & trimmed sales pitch Read More
Don't get me wrong. Self-employment is awesome - I've been self-employed for nearly 30 years and I love it. But it's been so oversold that it's become a bright shiny object in and of itself. Read More
Did you know that blogs give websites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links? These shocking stats (or not so shocking if you are well versed in SEO) and other amazing bits of information can be found within this infographic. Convinced about the power of blogging for SEO yet?
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When Google introduced PageRank it was basically the search giant’s attempt to “grade” pages on the Internet in the same manner that academic pages had been “graded” offline. Academic papers that are cited more frequently are generally considered more authoritative and prestigious ... Read More

Twitter to Kill Auto-Follow-Backs and Bulk Following in New API

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Social Media
From 4094 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on July 14, 2013 4:23 am
In a bold move, Twitter has prohibited automated following and bulk following of other users in the new version of its API. Read More
In this article I'll be talking about the 5 tricks your competitors know, but you don’t. In sharing this I hope to encourage you – helping you to realize that you have entered into a journey that takes time and work. But if you are willing to put in the time, there is no limit to what you will acco Read More
A competent employee is a treasure but no one has infinitely expandable skill sets. The same ambition that makes an employee a valuable asset almost always causes them to eventually overreach. Left entirely alone, it isn’t a question of if they will get in over their heads, it’s only a matter of wh Read More
Preeti Mittal's passion for online marketing changed her career and turned her into an entrepreneur. Here's an account of her entrepreneurial journey. Read More

You Should Lead With Price – Sales eXchange 207

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 4094 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on July 15, 2013 5:46 am
Price does not have to be the Achilles’ heel, there is a way to not only minimize it, but use it as a means of having a truly effective and open value discussion that drives sales, while disqualifying non-buyers. Read More
Despite the rapid advancement in mobile phone technology, there has been one constant - It's an 'app' that comes pre-installed on all handsets and remains the second most-used application behind calls: SMS text messaging. Read More

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