Brianjensen7982 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Keyword research for local businesses requires a different approach than research for national or global campaigns.

Learn how to use Google's Keyword Planner Tool to find keywords that can be used to guide a SEO/SEM digital marketing campaign. Read More

The Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Guide

Avatar Posted by brianjensen7982 under Social Media
From 3095 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on February 7, 2016 3:27 pm
Is Pinterest right for your business? How do you get started and how can you best use it for your marketing needs?

This complete, comprehensive guide to Pinterest marketing has all the answers you are looking for.
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With Google regaining access to Twitter's firehose earlier this year, the search giant has been consistently expanding the way it displays Tweets in Google Search.

With this expansion comes a renewed opportunity to make two powerful marketing channels work together.

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Did you know that your Twitter profile and tweets can get crawled and indexed by Googlebot and appear in both Google mobile and desktop search results?

Congruent Digital's Tweet Indexation Rate Tool queries Google and returns the percentage of your indexed Tweets, the Moz Page Authority, and lin Read More
We all heard about semantic search, but what does that really mean and how doe we need to adjust our digital marketing strategies to align with this new frontier of search?

In this post on Congruent Digital, Rick Eliason explains what semantic SEO means to him, and how we can apply his insights Read More

7 Simple Ways to Embed Social Content

Avatar Posted by brianjensen7982 under Social Media
From 3383 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on April 24, 2015 10:37 pm
While high quality images, memes and graphics all serve this purpose, did you know that most major social networks all provide options to embed public social content published?

In this post you'll not only learn why embedded social content can enhance your posts, but also how to embed social con Read More
Social profiles and content appearing in organic search results presents marketers and businesses alike with a growing opportunity to increase their presence across both mediums.

In this in-depth guide, you'll learn what social content is getting indexed and best practices to grow your audience Read More
As business owners and marketers, we know that providing easy to find, clear answers to questions about our products, services, or solutions enhances the visitor experience and works to establish expertise, authority, and our websites as destinations.

In this post, you'll learn about not only t Read More

5 Important SEO Factors to Focus on in 2015

Avatar Posted by brianjensen7982 under Online Marketing
From 3429 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on March 10, 2015 10:17 am
The way people search for products and the devices and mediums they use to find them are constantly evolving.

In this article, I take a look at five key areas of focus for 2015, plus two areas you shouldn't worry about too much. Read More
In this high-level overview, I dig into the why and how duplicate content can be harmful to a site’s visibility in Google Search.

You'll also learn about free tools that can help you understand how your content is being duplicated across the web, asses if your site has been impacted, and correc Read More

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