Businessgross voted on the following stories on BizSugar

All of us would like to start a business and push it to be the next big thing. One thing you cannot escape is the uphill bumpy ride when you are starting. Nothing is easy and starting a business is easier said than done. Everyone has their own path to follow when it comes to starting a business but Read More
Hiring the right employee is crucial for any small business. Read these tips to understand what type of candidates you should look for when hiring for finance Read More
Have you ever though about your brand new website listed on Google Listing including AdSense? Most of your answers will be not but it is possible and to find out how read this article. Read More
We all may know some form of negotiation tactics to use when firming up deals. This article avoids the specifics but goes on a higher level to discover why certain emotions and behavior surfaces during a tough negotiation. Learn the reasons why they do that will help control your emotions. Read More
When you have a particularly important issue or problem, getting perspective and steeping outside of yourself to analyze it is a smart tactic to ensure the best result. Read More
Mr. Saurabh is the owner of one of leading coupon website It is an opportunity to hear his success story in his own word. This interview is full of information and inspire you to work smart towards your goal. I am damn sure that you will love it, so don’t forget to comment and share
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Summertime is a season that brings along warm memories, as well as the promise of new ones yet to be made. For small business owners, some of these memories include their best sales numbers, so it's important to prepare to make the most of the season this year as well. Read More
Summertime is a season that brings along warm memories, as well as the promise of new ones yet to be made. For small business owners, some of these memories include their best sales numbers, so it's important to prepare to make the most of the season this year as well. Read More
Content marketing for recruiting is not all that different from content marketing for business-to-business marketing. Discover how to align the two. Read More

Here's How to Create a Mesmerizing Presentation

Avatar Posted by kumailhemani under Marketing
From 3774 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on June 2, 2014 8:28 am
Presentations can go one of two ways: be a complete snooze fest or an opportunity to get the audience hooked on your company. Here are a few tips on avoiding... Read More

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