Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a small business owner, you want what's best for your business and your employees. Providing great benefits is often expensive, but necessary to attract new employees.

So how do you choose benefits that will attract good employees? Read More
There are a lot of blog posts out there about how to hire an SEO firm (I freely admit that I have written some tips myself!), but most of them deal with what a potential SEO client should be looking for in an SEO provider. I decided it was time to take a different approach and instead and am focusi Read More

8 Sneaky Social Media Tricks: Are They Worth Your Time?

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4731 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on October 18, 2011 1:03 pm
The Fiverr social marketing category offers a range of sneaky social media tricks. Are any of these worth your time to build followers and get votes for your blog posts? Nine social media marketers offer their no-holds-barred opinions and comments. Read More
Earlier this month, Facebook rolled out some new changes. Profiles received a major face-lift with Timeline, while Fan Page owners were given new tools: the updated Facebook Pages Insights and the ability to tag individual users in comments. Read More
It used to be that many people would do their best to save up $1 million for retirement. Now, experts and others say $2 million is far more likely to be the “magic” number. But do you really need a huge nest egg for a successful retirement? Read More

When To Take Social Security: A Question Of Cash Flow

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Employee Benefits
From 4731 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on October 20, 2011 4:38 pm
One of the biggest decisions you have to make as you approach retirement is when you want to begin taking your Social Security benefits. Read More
I have been working at home for two years, and blogging for one, and during this time I have learned a ton of valuable lessons and insight as a mompreneur. I always enjoy it when others share their wisdom with me, so here are my 10 lessons that I have learned as a mompreneur. Read More
An interview with Adam Berke, President of AdRoll
* How long has remarketing been around and how has this industry grown?
* What are some indicators for businesses that might mean remarketing could work for them?
* What are the key criteria for businesses to consider when evaluating remarketing Read More
Arguably the single most important thing you can do for your site, keyword research and selection form the cornerstone of the rest of your SEO campaign. The keywords you choose will affect you can find your site and with what search phrases. Your keywords will also help shape the content you write, Read More
Without a solid content marketing strategy it’s impossible to have any long term traction with search engine optimization. SEO is the process of creating content (on your website and throughout the web) that will attract the attention of search engines and establish relevance in order for them to d Read More

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