Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Article marketing has been a passion for some, and it’s always been a good way to help with a great many things including SEO, building reputation, authority, branding, and a great many other things as well. Once upon a time, article marketing was great because we’d simply copy and paste a piece to Read More
The software that helped IBM's Watson computer reign victorious on the Jeopardy game show in February could also help the financial industry assess risk more effectively, a pair of IBM executives stated on Monday at a high-performance computing conference.

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27 Money-Saving Tips From Successful Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by tuckerleroy under Finance
From 4926 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on April 5, 2011 7:24 pm
I've collected 27 money-saving tips from real small businesses that are succeeding in a tough economy. Real people, real businesses and real ideas to help you cut costs, lower your overhead, and still reach your target market and build your business. Read More
In business, being successful is not just about choosing when to seize upon an opportunity; it's not just about knowing how to incorporate the latest and greatest techniques; it's also about realizing when something you're doing isn't working and being able to just let go... Read More
The Fitness Industry pulls in BILLIONS each year.

But who are they selling their products to?

The life and well-being of your little old granny may hinge on the answer!!! Read More
This video is by William Laurent, who discusses successful planning techniques for BI (business intelligence) and data warehousing projects. Read More
Here are my personal favourite motivational quotes that I live and work by. I also invite you to share your favourite quotes that help you to stay the course no matter what challenges or setbacks come your way. Read More

Does Your Copywriting Cut the Mustard?

Avatar Posted by searchblogger under Online Marketing
From 4930 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on April 4, 2011 4:26 pm
When you're selling products or services online which do you think is more important - the design of your website or the content? You can have the best looking website in the world but if it has dull and dreary content, people will just admire it for a second and go elsewhere. Read More
Why haven’t they called you back?

The interview went well — you’re pretty sure you nailed that question about how you could contribute to the team’s new mobile initiative — and you really hit it off with the HR person. You’ve got a background in exactly the area they’re looking for and you know Read More
Social media is an ever expanding, ever changing environment. Especially with the recent surge in marketing solutions for social media sites like facebook and twitter, these companies are constantly changing the way their content is viewed so as to optimize efficiency and clickthrus for the compani Read More

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