Cloudcomputingpath voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This article examines the latest issues in cloud computing and whether or not it is a suitable solution for companies' IT problems. Read More
Parents know that they want to be good role models for their children. One way to do so is to show a real work-life balance. Read More

3 Powerful Content Marketing Lessons from Louis C.K.

Avatar Posted by copyjuice under Marketing
From 4341 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on November 12, 2012 12:41 am
What can a standup comic teach us about groundbreaking marketing? A lot! Find out how standup comedian Louis C.K. used a content marketing strategy to become one of the most prolific comedians in recent history. Plus, discover how your business can follow his lead. Read More
When you start a new blog the most important thing is getting targeted visitors. You can build all the backlinks you want and shout your website name out from the rooftops, but if you don't get the right people back to your site it's all for nothing. Read More
Business environment IDN learn & create perfect business environment also know what is the key factors for success business environment. Read More
Friday….fabulous Friday and as usual, my week has been spent working on client updates and more news to read, digest, hypothesize upon, test, measure and then…do it all over again!

So at weeks end, what have I got this time to have you spend your weekend thinking on – well, it’s a site by two of Read More
Flyers can be a great advertising tool for local businesses. They can be cheaper and easier to make than a brochure, and they can hold much more information than a business card.

Flyers can be used for all sorts of businesses - for general advertising or for promoting a special event or sale. H Read More
It is clear that President Barack Obama won reelection in the 2012 race for U.S. President because he was able to secure votes from a more diverse demographic of voters than his competitor Mitt Romney.

How small businesses can learn from micro-targeting techniques used by the Obama campaign to Read More
We face new obstacles every day. Instead of letting them beat you down, try to find a silver lining in the gray clouds. You might be surpised how many new opportunities pop up. Read More
Until it something comes straight from the customer's mouth, until what we think has been tested and validated by the customer, we are just guessing. Guesses destroy our ability to develop a winning strategy. Guesses may cause us to be focusing on things that are irrelevant or unimportant to the cu Read More

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