Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social Media for your business is not a hobby. It’s not something you do online once in a while when you have a spare 5 minutes. Social Media is a serious online marketing tool, in which time and money should be invested, and through which at the end of the day, you receive a Return On your Investm Read More
This great article helps you discover 4 Ways to Boost Your Website's SEO Strategy with SlideDeck jQuery Slider. Read More
SEO is all about Link building, no matter how much content you have or to what extent it’s optimized for search engines, until you have the sufficient amount of backlinks you will never make it to the first page of Google. People tend to find it difficult to build one-way backlinks and they often r Read More
A personal vision statement is a powerful way to motivate yourself. It reminds you of the things you want to do and attain for yourself. There are times that we feel out of place. Read More
Al my blogs has been hacked one by one since the last week by an automated php script, please check your blogs! I hope this post helps! Read More
Bad leaders are common in the world. Sometimes they sit in government. At other times, they sit in the Board Room. Bad leaders are almost always vilified by history. People hate them and they leave behind a trail of destruction. Read More
Large or small, trust and relationships count for a great deal in all sales. In fact, it’s the whole game. Read More
Simple rules (upload your unique picture with or of the book), get voted for, and receive some very nice prizes. By the way, the contest could be named: "$1,600 Photo Contest That Turned Into a $1,700+ One"... Read More
So the key differentiator becomes sales---it becomes the people and processes we put in front of our customers everyday—whether their our own field sales organization, whether it’s our eCommerce site, our telesales, or our channel partners. It becomes the whole process and experience they have in b Read More
Product, price, physical distribution and promotion…the 4 P’s of the marketing mix but I’d say…people, people, people and people are the 4 P’s revisited. Read More

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