Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

By their very nature, Small Businesses are expected to be lean, mean, penny-pinching machines. In this economy, however, being a lean, mean, penny-pinching machine has gone from “expected” to absolutely mandatory. Read More
Loving this video created between the owners of Youtube and the world’s biggest pop star Lady. This is saucy stuff that is beyond being unique. This video shows some of the amazing statistic that Lady Gaga has topped up across Google, Youtube, Twitter and other social networking sites. This informa Read More
Blogging is the buzz of the day in recent times when everyone is trying to prove their online presence everyone is in a race to start their own blogs. Although there are different platforms of blogging some like to blog on their own site with own domains, whereas some like to take help from the pro Read More
Jennifer is a humanist through and through, she breathes what she's 'preaching' and she's very passionate about what she does and it emulates through her volunteer and professional work. My interview with her was very interesting. She's the kind of person who's very open and she even started intera Read More
I’ve constantly amazed myself at the amount of content I’ve created since I start this blog and other websites. But do I really like writing? NO. I don’t hate it but I don’t dislike writing either. I’ve come to realize that the hundreds of hours putting into writing content can be reused again and Read More
In any other community there is a system of checks and balances in place for members.

Should Social Media sites be any different? Read More
Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, April 29, 2011 – Google has recently rolled out its Panda/ Farmer update designed to improve its algorithm for ranking websites and help people find more high-quality sites in search. This latest algorithmic improvement is said to have started with Caffeine. Read More
You work hard creating quality content. Suddenly, someone steal yours. Of course, you want it back. Here are some tips to help you deal with content thieves. Read More
I'm so excited, beyond belief, to introduce you to my very first blogging product. my goal is to help others to create amazing blogs, just like I did! This is for anyone who is willing to roll up their sleeves and blog like the top bloggers do. Are you? Read More
While success is nothing to do with money, survival is everything to do with creativity. It’s an innate part of us and a measure of our ability to evolve. Read More

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