Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It can be a difficult decision when it comes time to name a company. You may have have an idea that is very personal to you, yet you worry about it being an easy name to market and create a brand around. The first thing that you must consider is that there are two restrictions that will limit your Read More
This is an video from a recent web cast on The 12 Things I Learned From Twitter from Jeffrey Gitomer's best seller, Social Boom! Here is the fifth tip, Keep Tweets Short. Read More
In today's post John Jantsch covers the idea that free content is hurting us all. He believes that: We’ve swung so far over to the “information wants to be free” thinking that I believe it’s presenting a challenge for businesses and content consumers and the Web in general. Read More
Custom graphic design isn't in the budget for many small businesses. Learn what crowdsourcing is, how it can help your small business get access to affordable graphic design, and tips on choosing a good crowdsourcing website. Read More
We hear a lot about buzz, but what is “buzz” exactly – and how does it start? How are you getting viral buzz for your book, product or service? Read on! Read More
There are two reasons why this can be very useful for web designers and developers who are launching new web sites and/or maintaining existing web sites. Read More
Selling a company is a long and complex process. Simply preparing takes at least 12 months, and then the actual process can take another 12 months. Read More
How long should you keep offering products or services that aren’t selling well? According to a post by Eric K. Clemons on a Wall Street Journal blog, the right decision depends on more than sales. It has a lot to do with niche marketing.
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Social media favors small businesses. Here are 10 reasons why should small businesses adopt social media and how social media can lead them to success. Read More
More and more franchise concepts are getting into the green scene. It's not like this is new-news; but, it's good news, and even some of the larger franchises are doing it. As you'll see in this Franchise Direct blog post. Read More

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