Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Google is stitching together 360 views of business interiors and making these available on Google Places pages. I take a peek at what these views look like, and how to get a 360 image of your business. Read More
This is a Guest Post by Martha which focuses on the qualities or aspects of a Business blog. Targeting Audience & setting blogging goals is important Read More
If you believed the reports that blogging was dead or that you didn’t need to find a place for it in your marketing strategy, well, think again. Read More
Sales relationships can lose their passion even using the best CRM systems. Learn how to rekindle lost business with neglected clients and gain back the repeat business you’ve been missing using consultative sales strategies, building business with selling solutions sales techniques. Read More
In today's post John Jantsch interviews Doug Hubbard on his most recent book - Pulse. Doug presents the idea that you can use real time search results to predict trends that are about to happen such as the flu outbreak. Read More
Sometimes the end result of partnering with a big company is different than what you initially thought. This was certainly the case for Jack Abraham, the founder of Milo.com. He was working toward a partnership with eBay for his local shopping site when both sides realized there could be a bigger o Read More
Entrepreneurs are always looking for “the next big thing,” when maybe in fact it’s a lot of little things that are only recognized after the fact as components of a big evolution or revolution. In my view, the Internet “connectivity anywhere” has already spawned several of these, but the global cha Read More
Are you one of those bosses who tells an employee to do something, then sends them an email reminder and follows up with a phone call a few days later? You may think you’re being a nag or wasting your time. But according to new research by Harvard Business School’s Tsedal B. Neeley and Northwestern Read More
Global integration - an urban myth? Pankaj Ghemawat, one of the leading scholars in the area of International Strategy, has done some interesting work on the realities of globalization. Read More
This is an video from a recent web cast on The 12 Things I Learned From Twitter from Jeffrey Gitomer's best seller, Social Boom! Here is the forth tip, Share Information. Read More

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