Eyalkatz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You can think of this as a blueprint for complete business derailment. Or, if inefficiency is not your goal, you can flip it upside down and think of it as a roadmap for achieving optimal efficiency and streamlining management processes. Read More
Picking the right tech for your business is like making a salad. First, you need to choose a quality vegetable. One that can stand alone as a piece of quality produce. Second, you also need to make sure that your vegetables work together as part of your mixed salad. Each vegetable needs to add some Read More

The 14 Must Have Free Tools to Run Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Management
From http://connecteam.com 2900 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on October 14, 2016 3:34 am
“My business is fine – I don’t need technology – I’ve operated the same way for 20 years and have done it successfully”. Fair enough. We understand that it might be hard for you to see how free online tools can help you grow a primarily offline business. But wipe the sweat off your forehead and rea Read More
‘Tis the season to be jolly… and beef up your workforce to maximize revenues and efficiency. But, obviously, there’s a lot more to managing a contingent workforce than just hiring.

Get ready to embrace your holiday shoppers, not get trampled by them. Read More
Do you want a website with surprisingly great results? A great website is no accident. It is systematically created. Do you want a great website?
Use the following checklist to design a great website: Read More
If you would like to impress your clients, these free new GIMP invoice templates will help you with that. Show your creativity and turn this boring black and blue financial document into a proof of your creativity and originality. Read More
The holiday season can account for as much as 30% of a retailer’s annual sales. However, sales aside, it’s also an especially important time to keep an eye on the many variables that can impact cash flow, such as inventory, extra labor, and marketing. Supporting such a critical time in your sales o Read More
For anyone running a medical or dental practice, you know that getting new patients is essential, as is keeping the old ones. Here are 7 powerful website design tricks all dental and medical practices should use.... Read More
Would you rather watch “The Blair Witch Project” or go to a work related training retreat? Don’t know about you but both send shivers down my spine. For most HR managers, the answer to boring training sessions has been to spice it up. But before you pick up the phone to a stand up comedian, if your Read More
Empowerment is not just another trendy buzzword, it’s a business strategy that can significantly improve your business processes and make your workforce that much more effective. There are many tools you can use to empower your employees but internal communication tools allow you, the manager to si Read More

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