Eyalkatz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The below is a case study that details two of the experiments ran on the AdNgin testing platform to increase Trendelier.com’s, one of the largest entertainment news websites, overall AdSense RPM by 217% in 5 weeks. Read More
You’re the kind of person who doesn't just settle for “good enough.” In fact, your ears twitch, just a little, if anyone within a 10 mile radius mentions the word “optimized”. We know, it’s ok. You’re in a safe place with like minded people. Now if you also know your way around a Google AdSense das Read More
Ad Operations is the dark horse of advertising technology. AdOps roles might not seem all that glamorous until you realize what they do. If you want a movie metaphor, then we’ll have to go with The Expendables 2… mostly because the team in Part II includes Chuck Norris. Read More
True, there are dozens of options and lists of recommended PPC-based ad networks. But how do you choose the one (or ones) that are right for YOUR website?

So you’ve done your research, found the top paying ad networks according to reviews, and now you have to choose which ones to deploy acro Read More
We want to point you in the direction of the top 5 ad networks for an arbitrage strategy. If you’re not up to speed on what arbitrage is all about, check out our article on hacks to leverage your CPC ad earnings. Hint: It’s hack #1.

But wait… no need to get grumpy or impatient. We’ll explain the Read More
Do you run an entertainment news website or blog that’s receiving diminished levels of traffic lately? First of all, it’s a jungle out there, and many get gobbled up. Or die of hunger. It takes a special animal to survive and prosper online. Some estimates claim that 95 percent of all blogs and con Read More
Zen and the Art of Website Optimization
Website optimization is a zen like practice. You need to take a holistic approach and understand how the various “organisms” work together to make up the delicate and fragile eco-system that is your website. And just like any eco-system, before you start fid Read More
Large publishers are coming together to form closed ad marketplaces. What effect will this have on your CPMs and CPCs.

Google is great. Really. From a search engine by a couple of college kids, it has turned into the all-knowing internet colossus it is today. We, as internet users and as publish Read More
There’s definitely a powerful allure to building up traffic to your website and having an ad network do all the work for you. But it goes beyond allure. There can be some significant advantages to going direct. Read More
Let’s start with the bad news. There are no free meals on the internet, and most “get rich fast” schemes are scams. You can’t just buy a domain, install a CMS, steal create some awesome content, and then sit back and watch the money roll in. It just doesn’t work that way.

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