Fusionswim voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With the 140 character limitation of Twitter, it’s important that we shorten the links we share in order to save space, yet Bit.ly actually does more than just shorten links. Bitly allows you to edit the shortened links you create so that you can customize them and make them more appealing. Read More
Quite often the updates to Google Chrome are very subtle and have little impact on our day to day web surfing experience. Then there are times when a more radical change comes along that gets our attention and not always in a good way. In the post I’ll share the secrets to stay on top of the change Read More
Whether you are a blogger or a non-blogger, setting goals can help to make us a better person. But since we are bloggers, because you happen to be reading this blog post, then it is appropriate to say setting goals Read More
Hey guys, Are you worried of not getting your article ranked in Search Engine? Are you worried of not getting Organic Traffic? Fine, because being a blogger or a webmaster, you need to be worried or else you are not … Continue reading → Read More

5 strategies to help your business be smarter about email.

5 strategies to help your business be smarter about email. - http://www.coxblue.com Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Strategy
From http://www.coxblue.com 3907 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on October 21, 2013 8:54 am
According to the Small and Midsize Business Email Marketing Survey 2013, over half of companies surveyed actually planned to make even more use of email marketing this year, and 91 percent felt that email marketing helped their business. Email remains vital because it is at once personal and formal Read More
My product is now 95% completed and these are the 10 lessons I've learned from creating my own product. Do you have what it takes to be a product creator?

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What your social media marketing strategy lacks.

What your social media marketing strategy lacks. - http://www.coxblue.com Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Social Media
From http://www.coxblue.com 3908 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on October 21, 2013 5:26 am
A social media presence should be a cornerstone in your plans for marketing your business. Even if you don't want to create a profile on every major network, you should at least be active on one or two key sites or social platforms to ensure that customers can interact with your brand and easily fi Read More

4 expensive mistakes you need to avoid!

4 expensive mistakes you need to avoid! - http://jimsmarketingblog.com Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Resources
From http://jimsmarketingblog.com 3908 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on October 22, 2013 9:15 am
I’ve given 4 pieces of important business development advice recently, which I’d like to share with you. Hopefully, it will help you or someone you know, to avoid making some costly mistakes. Read More

5 Easy Steps To Creating A Shareable Infographic

5 Easy Steps To Creating A Shareable Infographic  - https://www.openforum.com Avatar Posted by bmartinuzzi under Marketing
From https://www.openforum.com 3908 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on October 24, 2013 10:37 am
You don't have to be a tech-savvy designer to make this great marketing tool. Actionable advice. I have to give this a try. Read More

Obstacles That Block Your Way To Success

Obstacles That Block Your Way To Success  - http://geririchmond.com Avatar Posted by grmond56 under Online Marketing
From http://geririchmond.com 3908 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on October 24, 2013 9:55 am
Does this sound familiar? You start a project or a business and you are going gung ho and all of a sudden, you start second guessing yourself. The mind chatter takes control and you start feeling inadequate.

You start saying things like: What in the he-- made me think I could do this or I'm to Read More

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