Haleyzoe1234 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As the adage goes, cash is king.

By ensuring that your small business has enough cash in the bank in order to pay the bills, you can set the groundwork for success.

Cashflow is the number one reason for small business failure, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are 2 quick ways... Read More
f you’d read this blog section before, you probably know that while posting to business directories remains a White Hat SEO practice, it is not really efficient as it used to be for ranking and link-building purposes.
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We all love to think our pages are fine-tuned and optimized for the all-knowing Google. That just comes as part of being an online creator. But why is it that so many hopeful pages produced by individuals and companies end up on the 2nd or 3rd page of search results instead of the first? Read More
What should you do when your rankings slip? Well, first things first: You need to figure out what is causing the drop in your rankings. From there, you can adjust your SEO strategy accordingly or seek out the help of a B2B Internet marketing firm. So let’s take an in-depth look at the reasons.. Read More
While the sales learnings were interesting, I had an Aha! moment on how to better collect accounts receivable. For small business owners, overdue invoices are the bane of their existence as it hugely affects cash flow and the overall health of the company. Read More
As all website designer companies will tell you, Web design and SEO are intricately intertwined. While good website design can work wonders for your SEO strategy, Web design mistakes can actually wreak havoc on your rankings. It’s scary, but it’s true. So, are you making these Web design mistakes? Read More
Google Chrome is a web designer’s go-to web browser. The main reason for this is not only the fact that it is fast, compact and efficient, but also that it has the capacity to be rigged with a whole array of tools and Chrome add-ons that make the designer’s work a great deal easier. Read More
If you know anything about digital marketing, anything at all, you’ve also heard the often repeated phrase “Content is King”. To be sure, there is no denying that content is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy. Read More
Right now, there are people using the internet across the globe to build an online community of followers centered around a common interest. In marketing circles, we simply label them as influencers.   Influencers call blogging sites, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook their home. Read More
You don’t necessarily need to write a cheque to SEO agencies or website optimization services to improve your SEO strategy. With these instant SEO optimization tips, you can fix some of the most common website SEO issues in under 40 minutes. Read More

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