Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When you think of everything that many bloggers do and everything that a blogger must do, you begin to realize the importance of good time management skills. Read More
The following post is a collection of the best blogging, social media and traffic generation articles for the month of Febraury. Read More
Become a Franchise Owner! The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What You Do, gets thoroughly reviewed by the editors at Examiner.com.
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There are essentially two types of tax returns for small businesses and the self employed. If you are an unincorporated sole proprietor or a partnership, you are required to fill out the statement of business activities (T2125) on your personal tax return also referred to as the T1. If you are in Read More
Photographs are an intrinsic part of any fond memory. Family vacations, graduation parties and events enjoyed with friends always feature one person clicking away on a camera to record good times. These snapshots are then put into picture frames or uploaded to the internet so that everyone can enjo Read More
Nick Stamoulis ( http://www.brickmarketing.com ) walks new site owners through the process of optimizing a page of content on their website. After you have selected your top keywords, the key is to naturally incorporate them into the content. If you are having a hard time working them into your exi Read More
Google+ is on the move. After launching only a few short months ago, this newcomer social network has already made a major impact on social conversation, and how we approach search engine optimization. In the last few weeks, the importance of Google+ for the small business has gone from moderate, t Read More
It’s never too late to follow up with someone. Watch this short video (less than 2 minutes) to find out more. Read More
Read this very clear B2B marketing demonstration on why it's critical to keep technical product experts out of the marketing arena. Read More
As part of our ongoing Best of BuyerZone series, we've recently published another collection of great blogs for small businesses. Read More

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