Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media has tipped the entertainment business scale through its applications and platforms that can bring everything from the outside world into the World Wide Web. It seems everything from movies and TV shows can be viewed online. You just need a personal computer or laptop; connect to the In Read More
There are a lot of fashion blogs out in the blogospere. So when I decided to start my fashion blog, Chic Renegade, I knew that if I wanted to seriously compete for traffic, I had my work cut out for me. Read More
Question: How can I gain respect as new manager or team leader?

Answer: There are two methods people use to try to gain respect:

1. Some try to demand respect.
2. Others try to earn respect.

Please note that only method 2 works.

You cannot simply demand respect.

Instead you have to Read More
Cloud-based business intelligence is one of the top business intelligence areas for small and medium businesses (SMBs.) Read More
I spoke with a client recently about his efforts to develop productive work environments. He pointed out to me that he uses several practices that, if implemented effectively, form a sound basis for improving productivity. Read More
Visitors to your web site often have these two questions paramount in their minds when considering doing business with you.
1. Who are you, really?
2. Why should I trust you? Without face-to-face contact or a trusted intermediary who has vouched for you?
So use these five element Read More
People management is a challenging task.The key to success is the ability to manage people effectively. Here are 4 tips to help you along the way. Read More

How Long Should a Pitch Email Be?

How Long Should a Pitch Email Be?  - http://createhype.com Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Public Relations
From http://createhype.com 4503 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on February 29, 2012 9:29 pm
the idea of organizing one can be overwhelming to those who lack adequate writing skills and general public relations knowledge Read More
Accounting is one of the most frustrating aspects of small business. Here are 17 ways accountants can get small business PR coverage, especially in tax season. Read More
America's most promising franchise sectors are showcased in this small business slideshow on CNBC.com, with some help from US experts in small business and franchising. Great job from CNBC.com! Read More

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