Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Your sales funnel must be able to create interest for your audience. This is a necessary step to win sales from them. Make your sales funnel interesting. Don’t make it too serious. Give them some jokes if you think appropriate. Give them some interesting facts, interesting figures, and interesting Read More
It can never be said too many times but content is king. No matter what kind of website you’ve got, the only thing that will keep people there is the quality of what they are reading / watching on the screen. Whether you are selling a product or describing a service, how you describe it is all that Read More
It's the headline's job to suck the reader into what you have to say so that they're unable to leave until they get to the end of your content. Read More
understand that there's a lot more you need to do to stand an online successful business in addition to create a nice-looking professional website. Read More
From demographics to buying behavior traits and customer interests, learning more about your ideal customer and your target market will help you maximize your marketing campaign budget and revenue results --

With tighter marketing budgets, zeroing in on your target market territory and target cu Read More
An interview with Ben Reid, founder of FoodieRegistry, about the challenges of expanding markets and building a business as a sole founder. Read More
Developing your facebook marketing strategy is important as having a strategy for your social media presence will make things easier for you and will help you start correctly. Read More
The past week in monetary policy saw two central banks changing their main interest rates; Colombia +25bps to 5.25%, and Belarus -500bps to 38.00%, while two held their rates unchanged; Namibia at 6.00%, and Turkey at 5.75%. Turkey did however cut some of its other interest rates (see the update f Read More
Only so much time in a week, it appears and I’ve about run out of same! But not to worry, dear readers….here’s some “odd’s ‘n ends” that I’ve gathered up over the past week or so, that are cool, surprising and most of all, show potential for all of us involved in the digital arena, eh!

First up, Read More
This is a way we can share an information to our family, friends and the whole world but not using any known social media or even a blog. Read More

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