Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are a couple resources out there that hotels should be taking advantage of in order to increase their sales and stand out among the crowds. These tools can help hotels bring in guests that might not otherwise stay there or even be aware of their properties. One tool is pretty intuitive but is Read More
Why is it so important for work-at-home moms to promote themselves online? First, they often work alone, making it difficult to establish a professional network and get referrals. Second, the current economy is causing many people who are unemployed or underemployed to work as freelancers. Read More
Japanese take very seriously the concept of personal responsibility. When westerners refuse to apologize and instead dwell on all the extenuating circumstances that caused the problem, Japanese view this as an attempt to evade one’s responsibility. Read More
The objective of your Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus profiles in no way should be to simply increase your follower count for the sake of having a high number. That figure is a largely irrelevant metric to be frank. In fact if you are measuring the success of your social media on figures such as h Read More
This article will show you how to increase your site's performance and speed related SEO, and compare the SEO of five other major SEO sites. Read More
YouTube is one of the biggest sites on the internet. If your business isn't engaged in video marketing, you're missing one of the largest audiences online. Read More
Each small business should have a website because the website can be a shop front and a virtual representation of your products/services. Therefore your “About Us” page should appeal to the online audience. Remember, your landing page should be attractive and have the appropriate content to establi Read More
Lack of confidence in your self, your product, and your startup is a surefire recipe for disaster. At the other extreme, too much confidence or arrogance can kill you just as fast. It’s always painful when a startup fails, but as a mentor to founders I would hope that you can learn from these faili Read More
If you are a customer, you generally want to see what you're getting before you buy it. Right?

So if you're a landscaper, how do you let potential customers "see before they buy" so you can win more landscaping jobs?

Landscaping companies usually don't have retail shops that prospects can vis Read More
Learn the strategies you can implement to get people to read your entire blog article. Here are 6 quick tips to make your blog posts more readable. Read More

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