Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Learn how seattle startup Giant Thinkwell used social media war room tactics to promote their "Mix-and-Match" facebook game. With just a day and some 20 people, they managed to get 9% of all twitter to receive at least one tweet or message about the game. Read More
This week we continue our series on the impact of digital literacy on Canada’s economy. Today’s post focuses specifically on digital literacy’s link to productivity – a topic that experts say is imperative to Canada’s economic future in the face of a declining workforce. Read More
In this Future of Engagement episode, Murray Newland talks about how Adele and the Brit Awards handled the PR fallout, and how people responded on Twitter, Facebook and blogs. Read More
Are you doing what you need to do, whether you want to do it or not in order to reach you goals?
What steps to success do you take, have you got a plan, do you know what it takes? Read More

Hiring for Your Business: Do You Need Background Checks?

Hiring for Your Business: Do You Need Background Checks? - http://personaldividends.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Human Resources
From http://personaldividends.com 4511 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on February 28, 2012 11:34 pm
When hiring for your business, you are trusting them with information and access to your business. This infographic shares information about the importance of performing background checks on potential employees. Read More
I've been eyeing up WPSubscribers for a while now and Jenn was kind enough to give me the chance to review it .... WPSubcribers blew my mind in terms of what is possible for a list building related WordPress plugin. Read More
Do you want your email marketing campaign to rival the greats? What do they do with their emails that you’re not? Start doing these. Read More
This is one of the greatest business stories of the last 100 years. The mysterious Ivar Kreuger was a master as raising huge sums of capital from investors and attempted to build a global empire. Unfortunately, a few things went wrong and the it started collapsing around him. Read More
A brain researcher divulges six interview questions—and several clues—to help distinguish innovators from ordinary workers. Read More
“Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers,” a downloadable article, is available online from the Harvard Business Review. The study contains eye-opening case studies about companies that have dramatically improved service by anticipating customer’s next problems and solving them on the first call.
Read More

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