Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are said to be slow adopters of cloud computing compared to personal users. However, things are about to change. Read More
The old saying goes that the United Kingdom and the United States are just “two countries separated by a common language.” But it’s more than the use of the letter “u” in labo(u)r that distinguishes these two nations.

Similar to the rest of the European Union, U.K. employment law is designed to Read More
Folks like to see pictures. I visited Dubai last summer and watched a lot of videos and saw a lot of pictures as we were planning our visit. We chose the hotel after seeing the pictures and also the activities we wanted to do while we were there. Read More
Things have changed so dramatically over the past few years, we can now make the case that starting with the desktop when planning your communications strategy may be an increasingly backwards way of thinking.

Planning and designing for mobile first can open up new opportunities for growth and l Read More

3 Reasons Web Design Starts with Content

3 Reasons Web Design Starts with Content  - http://www.woodst.com Avatar Posted by jonmikelbailey under Online Marketing
From http://www.woodst.com 4508 days ago
Made Hot by: TalkingHedzPR on February 27, 2012 5:37 pm
It’s an age old chicken and egg question… which comes first when developing a website – content or design? You could argue the case for either one. However, I would argue that having a content strategy before you design your website is absolutely crucial to your site’s success. Read More
If you haven’t noticed, Pinterest is the latest sensation in social media. The site just crossed the 11 million total visits per week mark, and is the fastest site in history to break the 10 million unique visitor mark, according to comScore.

Not bad for a site that launched two years ago.

P Read More
Setting goals helps you stay on the road to success. Here are some tips to keep you focused in defining and achieving your goals, one step at a time. Read More
By now most businesses understand the importance of social media as a part of a marketing strategy. However, they still aren’t sure how to figure out if a social media strategy is working for them. Here are 4 factors to consider when analyzing the success of a social media campaign: Read More
I have dealt with plenty of SEO consulting and full-service SEO clients in my 13 year career that want to hand their site’s SEO off to my company and forget about it entirely—unfortunately a great SEO campaign is going to need input from the website owner, not just the expertise of the SEO provider Read More
Mobile marketing isn't necessarily rocket science. It still follow some basic marketing best practices applied to a newer channel. Rohan Gandhi offers several tips to help focus those who are looking to get started. Read More

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