Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Farmers markets can be a great low-cost way to introduce your homemade or home grown products to the market and get valuable feedback from consumers at the same time.

Getting started can be as simple as finding out where your local market with an online directory like Local Harvest or the USDA A Read More
All franchise buyers need to read this blog post. Don't start searching for a franchise yet! You are starting at the wrong place. Read what you need to do before you go online and start looking around. Read More
Losing your job is not the end of the world - starting a small business vending operation might be the answer. Fired from his job as a finance manager a month before his hefty bonus was due to be paid, he took the hand that was dealt and turned a profit. Interview with owners of NY Famous Hotdogs. Read More
Strong guarantees and prompt refunds are customer service best business practices that protect future cash flow and your valuable customers as assets. Does your refund policy suck? Read More
Working at home can be challenging at best. Are you working at home feeling burned out and looking for a way out of your situation? Here are some tips for you. Read More
Here is the part 1 of the top motivational songs for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs require motivation from time to time. So, Here is the list of top motivational songs for entrepreneurs. Read More
Here’s an interesting social media story. A man was just ordered by a judge to post a court approved apology to his wife on his facebook page every day for 30 days or spend 60 days in jail. You can read the story from the LA Times here.

There’s so many interesting facets to this story. Of cou Read More
Do you WANT to blog or do you NEED to blog? If you both want and need to blog but being held back by so many reasons, I am obliged to let you know that there is still a way for you become a blogger. Read More
Our blogging experiment is over. Here, Andrea Wren recalls the lessons in getting Butterflyist off the ground under the instruction of Glen Allsopp, from ViperChill Read More
Some people have great difficulty making a decision. They may be very analytic or risk averse--always looking for more data on which to make a decision, and never comfortable that they have enough. They are looking to eliminate all uncertainty and risk, making the perfect decision. There is never e Read More

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