Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Leaders Seek Cooperation

Avatar Posted by DrShannonReece under Startups
From http://blog.drshannonreece.com 4596 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on February 29, 2012 9:46 pm
Anne Montague, Founder and Executive Director of Thanks, Plain and Simple, Inc., points out that “cooperation and teamwork are not exactly the same.” She explains, “I’ve learned to look closely at these two words and how they differ. Early in the development of new projects, programs and processe Read More
It is common practice when starting a new website to copy the big players' keywords and try to rank for them. See why it's wrong and what you can do instead. Read More
Looking for ideas to run a business? Scouring for a brand name? Want to design a logo or compose a jingle for your venture and don’t have the money or the expertise to do so? Well most small businesses suffer from these deficiencies and crowd sourcing might just be the way out. Here’s how you can m Read More
When it comes to managing the finances of your small business, you may not have the first idea about how to proceed. With a business degree in hand, you likely have some small memory of courses that covered the basics of business accounting practices, but since you weren’t interested in becoming a Read More

5 Critical Tips for Writing SEO Articles for Humans

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Online Marketing
From http://basicblogtips.com 4596 days ago
Made Hot by: stella77 on March 2, 2012 2:44 pm
Writing SEO articles sounds very scary to new Webmasters, but let me tell you that it really is easy. It is simply a matter of following some very common guidelines. This does not mean that you have to write like a machine just to please the search engines though, as writing for the people first sh Read More
The best way to bring your marketing writing alive and make it effective, is to use the "what's in it for you" approach. Suzan St Maur explains how to do it and why it's critical to talk benefits, not features... Read More
Linkvana is a premium blog network. Check out the results of my case studies for 3 competitive keywords using Linkvana blog network only. Read More
Testimonials are incredibly powerful and usually consist of written words from people who have done business with you and are sometimes accompanied by a photo.

Taking this concept one step further, and making video testimonials, is even more compelling. You get to see a real person and hear the Read More
Are you looking for ways to turn your invention ideas into reality but not sure how? If so, I recommend you to head over to Quirky. Read More
A few days ago I was scrolling down the front page of a blog I'd never been to when BAM. I saw something that gave me pause, something I'd never seen before. Read More

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