Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Want to Succeed with Your Business? Content is Currency

Want to Succeed with Your Business? Content is Currency - http://personaldividends.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Online Marketing
From http://personaldividends.com 4521 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on February 20, 2012 4:47 pm
If you are an entrepreneur and want to succeed with your business, it is important to be aware of the shift in consumer expectations. Otherwise, you might find yourself struggling to get your business off the ground. Read More
When you take charge of your destiny by becoming entrepreneurs, you are setting yourself up a lifestyle that requires you to wear many hats—like taking on the role of marketer, sales representative, recruiter and human resources representative, and quite often, the receptionist. Read More
Chances are you've heard at least one of these lies. You may have even, unknowingly, been impressed by them! Here's why these lies are so dangerous to your SEO content writing efforts. Read More
Recently, it seems that we are reading about a new social media crisis happening to some well known brand at least every other week. On observation, it becomes obvious that these companies were un-prepared for what happened and that there was no internal social media crisis management plan, or stra Read More

Are Internet Marketing Gurus Taking Us for Granted?

Are Internet Marketing Gurus Taking Us for Granted? - http://www.famousbloggers.net Avatar Posted by hishaman under Online Marketing
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 4522 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on February 19, 2012 10:23 pm
An in-depth case study on 3 internet marketing gurus and how they utilize product creation strategies to make money from repeated product launches. Read More

An Interview With Entrepreneur Paraic Hegarty

An Interview With Entrepreneur Paraic Hegarty  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Global
From http://bloggertone.com 4522 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on February 18, 2012 4:20 am
Former Angel Investor & Technology Executive Paraic Hegarty gives great suggestions to companies looking for investment & also explains common mistakes made Read More

Does Your Company Take A Social Approach?

Does Your Company Take A Social Approach?  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 4522 days ago
Made Hot by: Chaos on February 18, 2012 2:07 am
For the millions and millions of people and businesses that partake in social media on a daily basis, it is their lifeline in many cases to the outside world. They oftentimes get their news, advertise their businesses and browse and make purchases online all from this social medium.As a small busin Read More
Studies show that a small increase in customer retention can increase profits by at least 25%. Learn how to keep loyal customers and boost profits with 5 easy customer retention tactics to increase sales --

These retention tactics can have a huge impact on your bottom line and are also easy to i Read More

Marketer vs Marketing What Difference Does a Keyword Make

Marketer vs Marketing What Difference Does a Keyword Make - http://keepupwiththeweb.com Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Online Marketing
From http://keepupwiththeweb.com 4522 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on February 22, 2012 7:31 am
Is there a difference between being a marketer and marketing online? If you think of them as being the same, which keyword would be best for SEO? Read More

22 Tips to Get Your Clients to Pay On Time, Every Time!

22 Tips to Get Your Clients to Pay On Time, Every Time!   - http://www.iaweo.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Finance
From http://www.iaweo.com 4522 days ago
Made Hot by: stella77 on February 17, 2012 8:37 pm
We’ve sat down with over 22 women entrepreneurs just like you who have experienced the horror stories of clients not paying or taking months to pay. We wanted to dig up some dirt on their secrets to getting their clients to pay on time, every time. Read More

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