Hertmeba voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you improperly put your website under maintenance, you could potentially destroy your search engine rankings while driving away customers at the same time.

Especially if you plan on bringing down your website for an extended period, it’s essential that you do things the right way. Read More

Beware The Promoted Tweet:: Hashtags Gone Wrong!

Beware The Promoted Tweet:: Hashtags Gone Wrong!   - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by marciabiz under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 4530 days ago
Made Hot by: ZiggyFreud61 on February 12, 2012 7:55 pm
Last weekend was the Superbowl, the huge sporting event in the US (for American football). Superbowl ads have become famous over the years, with many people watching the Superbowl just to see the advertisements.

This year, brands have become savvy about leverging TV and Twitter togeth Read More

The Best Technology for Small Business in 2012

The Best Technology for Small Business in 2012  - http://buzz.waspbarcode.com Avatar Posted by bafife under Strategy
From http://buzz.waspbarcode.com 4531 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on February 11, 2012 4:50 pm
Running a successful small business involves many components working well together. However, there are certain technologies needed to make those components operate for your small business. What are they? Continue reading to find out what technologies you should be using for your small business in 2 Read More

Pros and Cons of a Landline in your Small Business

Pros and Cons of a Landline in your Small Business  - http://buzz.waspbarcode.com Avatar Posted by bafife under Strategy
From http://buzz.waspbarcode.com 4531 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on February 12, 2012 5:52 pm
If you’re like most Americans, you probably ditched your home landline a long time ago. But even with the rapid deterioration of landlines in homes, many small businesses still depend on a landline service for their office communications.

Today, we’re cutting the cord on this topic and sharing t Read More

5 Tips to Boost Your Blog Traffic

5 Tips to Boost Your Blog Traffic  - http://learnaboutus.com Avatar Posted by CoachKoma under Marketing
From http://learnaboutus.com 4532 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on February 12, 2012 5:35 pm
Finding the right combination of SEO tactics will allow you to boost your blog traffic overnight. It's not complicated, just focus on following these 5 tips. Read More

Is Pinterest a Girl Thing?

Is Pinterest a Girl Thing? - http://www.resonancesocialmedia.com Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Social Media
From http://www.resonancesocialmedia.com 4532 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizsavvy on February 7, 2012 5:10 pm
Sure, Pinterest is taking the social Web by storm ... but is the site too girly to hit it big with the guys? Read More

Seven Tips For Successful Solo Ad Marketing

Seven Tips For Successful Solo Ad Marketing  - http://lowcostmarketingstrategies.com Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Online Marketing
From http://lowcostmarketingstrategies.com 4533 days ago
Made Hot by: Chaos on February 6, 2012 11:31 pm
If you do have some sort of a marketing budget, then one of the cheapest and most effective ways to generate leads is solo ad marketing. A solo ad is simply finding someone in your niche or industry who has a large list, and asking them to send out an email to their list. Read More

How to Get Your Business Involved in Your Community

How to Get Your Business Involved in Your Community  - http://blog.bizlaunch.ca Avatar Posted by smpayton under Marketing
From http://blog.bizlaunch.ca 4535 days ago
Made Hot by: titanofindustry on February 6, 2012 12:17 am
If you have a store or office, are you taking strides to become part of your small business community? Do locals know about your business and tell others about it? Finding ways to be a known member of your community can help you grow your business. Read More

Prepare Your Business for Social Media Crisis

Prepare Your Business for Social Media Crisis  - http://www.famousbloggers.net Avatar Posted by hishaman under Social Media
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 4536 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on February 4, 2012 4:04 pm
From GoDaddy (twice), to Chapstick, Lowe’s, LA Fitness, Timothy’s Coffee, PayPal, Fontaine Santé, Red Cross, McDonald’s, and the list goes on… This past year has seen a massively wide range of social media crises – both big and small, successful and disastrous.

Learn the basics for preparing you Read More
Leaders have so much great information to share but if they don't share it the right way, it gets lost by the recipient. Here is food for thought when it comes to sharing your wealth of information. Read More

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