Idealancer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Political branding is about how an individual, organization, or campaign is perceived by the public. In politics, just like in business, your brand is not what you say it is – it’s how others actually see your brand. Here are our insights on the branding in the democratic presidential primary race. Read More

12 Quick Marketing Tactics You Can Execute in One Hour or Less

12 Quick Marketing Tactics You Can Execute in One Hour or Less - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 1766 days ago
Made Hot by: kevind on August 15, 2019 2:11 pm
Even if you lack experienced marketers on your team, you must learn to market effectively. The good news is that marketing isn’t just about big, expensive tactics. Here are 12 quick marketing tactics you can execute in one hour or less that can make a lasting impact on the growth of your business. Read More
For entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves, cut through a decent chunk of bureaucratic tape, and hand over some cash upfront, opening a medical dispensary is a great opportunity. Here’s the ultimate 9 step guide on how to start a medical cannabis dispensary business.

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How to Create A Business Website in 6 Easy Steps

How to Create A Business Website in 6 Easy Steps - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 1788 days ago
Made Hot by: jonasg on July 24, 2019 2:50 pm
Whether you’re starting a new business or growing an existing business, you need a website. The problem is that many business owners are intimidated about setting up their own website. Crowdspring created an easy step-by-step guide to help you create a completed, professional business website. Read More
Simply showing up online isn’t enough to guarantee success. We’ve studied what 4 of the most successful e-commerce brands of all time are doing right. And, we’ve cultivated a list of 13 actionable branding lessons that apply to businesses of any size or platform – not just iconic internet businesse Read More
Today, it’s imperative that each company have a unique brand identity. What can you learn from the most influential logos of the 20th century and how can you use this insight to create a stronger brand identity for your own business? Read More
Did you know that over 90% of potential customers say that color is the most important factor when they choose what products they buy? Here's a deep look at why so many businesses use blue in their brand identity - and whether it could work for your business. Read More
The key to smart marketing is using the right words at the right time, depending on your goals. We look at the magic marketing words that can help you boost conversions and improve the bottom line for your business. Read More
A business’s ability to evolve depends on its leader’s ability to let go of that death grip on… everything… and learn to delegate without micromanaging. Here's a good look at some of the reasons why delegating is so crucial to the good health of your business, and what you can do today to start gro Read More
The top retail businesses know that their brand is invaluable. We've conducted research into what the most successful retail businesses are doing right ... and wrong. We've cultivated a list of actionable lessons that apply to retail businesses of any size and we're sharing the results with you. Read More

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