Idealancer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We are more likely to be persuaded by people we like and those we want to be like. It’s the reason Brands use influencers & micro-influencers. Understanding the principle of liking and knowing how to use it in your marketing and on your website can give you an unfair advantage over the competition. Read More

5 Packaging Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Packaging Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 1695 days ago
Made Hot by: diegof on October 31, 2019 2:58 pm
Poor packaging leads to worse things than a bruised ego – it leads to lost sales and revenue. Packaging is a vital bridge between customers and your product. And, as awesome as your product might be, it’s the packaging that does the selling. These 5 bad packaging sins will help you avoid pitfalls. Read More
When we are given a gift, of whatever magnitude, we feel a sense of indebtedness to the giver. How can you adapt this important psychological principle to improve your marketing and sales? Use these reciprocity marketing strategies now to get and keep clients and increase revenue. Read More
Most small businesses do a poor job executing strategies on social networks. Advertising is expensive and doesn't work for most. So if you can’t effectively advertise on social networks, what can you do?
Content marketing offers a powerful answer.

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The best way to earn the loyalty of customers and prospects is to make them commit to something. People prefer to be loyal and consistent with a choice they previously made. Use these proven commitment and consistency strategies to retain current customers and win sales. Read More

How Your Business Can Use Scarcity Marketing To Increase Sales

How Your Business Can Use Scarcity Marketing To Increase Sales - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 1730 days ago
Made Hot by: chrisd on September 26, 2019 3:37 pm
We all want what we can’t have. And we flaunt when we have something others don’t. While economics may lay down the foundational laws of supply and demand, marketing can use scarcity to manipulate the variables and win big. Here’s how you can use scarcity marketing techniques to increase sales. Read More

What Is Social Proof and Why Your Business Can Die Without It

What Is Social Proof and Why Your Business Can Die Without It - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 1737 days ago
Made Hot by: peteyb on September 19, 2019 3:04 pm
We want to know what others are watching, buying, wearing, and experiencing — which ultimately influences our decisions to do the same. Our innate tendencies to group together in this way makes social proof marketing tactics very successful. Read More
The best way to earn the loyalty of customers and prospects is to make them commit to something. People prefer to be loyal and consistent with a choice they previously made. Use these proven commitment and consistency strategies to retain current customers and win sales. Read More
Some businesses fail to make good choices about their branding and live to regret it later. Others make good choices; but over time, those choices no longer serve the business well. When your brand fails to live up to your expectations, a rebrand could help you turn things around.

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Ecommerce websites need to play by a different set of rules than your average website. So, if you want to fully realize your e-commerce business’s potential, focus on these 5 web design features… Read More

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