Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Top 10 Social Media Blog Finalists: Here are the finalists for our 2nd annual contest and how our judges will make the final winner selection. Read More
The Tycoon Playbook™ A Roadmap to Success Most of us will never be billionaires but we can benefit by learning and applying some of the lessons they have to offer us. This is a course on the most popular strategy used by billionaires to become billionaires. It's about focusing on accumulating capit Read More
Effective branding can help your business attract better customers and charge higher prices. A strong brand identity is at the heart of a strong brand. Read More
I almost did it. I was sooo close. And, I love Twitter.com so much. What was I thinking? What the heck made me even consider doing something that was completely anti-social, in our social media space. I am a human. That could be part of it... Read More
This post is a list of top 10 blogs related to entrepreneurship. These are written by successful entrepreneurs. If you follow these entrepreneur blogs I am sure you can be much more succesful in your endeavours and stay motivated during hard times. These intelligent personalities will guide you thr Read More
Successful entrepreneurs don’t attempt to be “Janes of all Trades” — they strive to be experts within their particular niche. Last week I asked the question -

What steps have you taken to become an expert in your niche?

Our panel of experts weighed in and I am pleased to share their answers Read More
I have received a new batch of reading material. I am thinking of signing up for an account on Audible.com. I still like to read real books, but it could be enjoyable to start to "read" some books in audio format in the future. Do you listen to books? Read More
Even more than the crazy wigs and high-protein clothing, it's the name that makes Lady Gaga. If her name were Bethany Cranston (or, say, Stefani Germanotta), forget about it.
Everybody wants a Gaga name for their new product/website/startup. But if you've ever brainstormed about names, you know ho Read More
It's a new year and I'm assuming you have some new business goals. I'm even willing to bet that some of those goals have something to do with your website. Am I right? If so, here are 5 ideas to get your online marketing off to a great start. Read More
A great post written by John Jantsch about how blogging is not dead. Instead, it is a great resource that every small business should be taking part in. Not only on the writing side, but also involved with reading daily. Read More

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