Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The World of Sales Is a Stage

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From http://bloggertone.com 5129 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on September 4, 2010 5:55 pm
It would be a mad world if we ALL looked at life and said 'what will make me the most money?' I want to be/do that... There is only enough room for one David Beckham and only one Brittany Spears. Read More
Did you know that you just lost a sale? Publicist Diana Ennen tells online and offline business owners why article marketing is so pertinent for your business success and gives you tips on how to incorporate article marketing into your sales funnel." Here is Diana's article marketing article in ful Read More
if you’re looking for a way to differentiate your business or products and create a killer competitive advantage you may not have to look any farther than how you delivery of your products and services. Read More
With money tight these days and all of us trying to achieve more with less- planning is more important than ever. Here are 5 EASY steps you can take to make your marketing more productive, efficient, and cost effective Read More
A common question I get from business to business focused marketers and sales professionals is: “Does social media marketing and social networking really work in the B2B space?”

I posed this same question to Jeff Booth CEO of Builddirect.com and here was the answer he gave me:

“Social med Read More
I have been asked by a number of people what the difference is between most brands and a brand that employs guerrilla social media strategies. Today I thought I Read More
For small business, TIME IS MONEY. Knowing how to manage this precious commodity lies at the heart of your business success and growth. How much do you really value your time? For most of us, the ability to get time on our side and use it effectively is a core business goal and one that can remain Read More
There is only so much on-page optimization you can do to push your site up the SERP, but the rest of it will definitely come down to the quality (mostly) and quantity of your links. Read More
The new Amazon Kindle 3 helps you stay away from the bright computer screen, recconnect with literature easily, give authors and classics a chance, save a lot of space: Read More
Interview with Dave Kaminski, Founder of Web Video University, on some basics of online video for entrepreneurs. Read More

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